Returning to God

“Jesus, knowing that. . .He had come from God and was returning to God. . .began to wash the disciples feet.”  (John 13:3,5)  Sunday night, just minutes after helping with the Lord’s Supper (his first as a newly elected Deacon), Dr. Chuck Musfeldt, our friend and brother, was in an auto accident just one block from our church.  Despite some early positive indications, on Monday morning he died to us and woke in the presence of Christ.  Chuck was a true servant!  Blessed by God and daily grateful, he was a picture to all of us of the Christ life–certain of eternity and therefore willing to serve others.  We will miss him and we pray for the strength he knew to make us equally faithful.  Please pray for Linda and the girls and for the Lord to use this news as it spreads literally around the world to direct attention to Himself.  I can still hear Chuck pray, “Lord, you are sovereign”.  We are more certain of it than ever.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Returning to God”

  1. As Chuck is embraced in heaven in the very arms of Jesus, I pray the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit be upon Linda and her family now and until they are reunited in the very presence of our Lord and Savior. All glory the God. The Lord is Sovereign.

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