One surrendered soul at a time

I wrote yesterday of the kingdom being global and governmental.  Today, I hope you will think of it in terms that are personal and moral.  To sincerely pray, “Thy kingdom come”, a believer must embrace the “daily dictatorship” of the Holy Spirit.  (Alan Redpath)  If the kingdom is not based on democracy, and it isn’t, then the Christian life is an example of the “world that will be”.  We are living in the future now! “Those who are being led by the Spirit are the sons of God”.(Romans 8:14)  Contrary to my expectations, the LORD does not consult with me re. His decisions or my assignments.  He commands.  I follow.  How strange!  How exciting!  The kingdom of God established on earth one surrendered soul at a time.  You in?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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