Good morning and welcome to a year long adventure! For the next 365 days members and friends of FBC SA will pray the Lord’s prayer together, paying attention to the meaning and purpose of the words of our Lord. Doing so will teach us to pray and shape our hearts and bless our world. Thank you for being a part of this soul-shaping discipline. Let’s get started!
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I have been reading Contemplative Compassion by Sarah Butler Berlin and find myself eager to read it some more each day. It ends each session with the Lord’s prayer. I am encouraged each time by the phrase before “Lord, you know what we need before we ask, so let us pray”….to me it says, because I can trust You with my needs I am freed to embrace the larger story of what You are accomplishing. That is an adventure I don’t want to miss!
I am committed to praying this prayer alongside our church body this year. Thank you for leading us!
Praying with you!
I am grateful for the promise and hope of a new year. To seek the sovereign will of God as a church body and also personally as a child of God is wonderfully promising and hopeful. I am looking forward to communion with our wise Lord.
Stephen T
I’m really looking forward to this. Thank you for letting me know.
My friend Linda recommended signing on! Happy New Year!
Ihave started this New Year 2011 down on my knees each and every morning, to begin my day. And I prayer through out the day as well. And I go to my knees in prayer every night before I go to sleep.I have been praying the lords prayer each and everyday since I was in first grade, I am now a mother of two grown boyes 22 & soon to be 26 David & Daniel. I ask each and everyone of you who reads this to pray for my youngest son David, somewhere along the way of life he’s gotten lost, he doesn’t believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and he thinks that my husband and I when we go to church that it’s for the weak. Please pray for him, thank you for reading this. God Bless You and Yours Your Friend in Christ Kathy Constanzo
I just prayed for David as I read your remarks and will continue to pray God to take the scales from David’ eyes so he can see the LORD again and feel his presence.
Having just joined the church and being baptized, I am super excited about this endeavor!
I was not able to be there the day of your baptism but was happy for you all over again when I watched the recording on Monday night. Welcome home!
Jan 1, we were in the hospital with my mother-in-law and a lady came in to say a prayer for her. When she was done, she recited the Lord’s prayer. I was so convicted to commit with the rest of my church family to pray it everyday. It was God reminding me to commit. Today, Jan 3rd, God spoke to my heart with the part —Our Father…. Hallowed by thy name. God reminded me of HIS holiness. I am so looking forward to this coming year…
“Thy will be done.” What a freeing and frightening statement all in one. It is His will that I wish to be done in my life, the lives of my family, and in the lives of those around me. I want His will – to be drawn closer, to fall under His grace, to have His heart…Yet, as many moms out there know, letting our children’s lives and grace fall under Him alone – is difficult. We feel we are soley responsible for taking care of our children – we and our spouses and families. But each day the Lord’s Prayer reminds me of who is really in charge and how easily my children get it. In charge of our lives, our money, our careers…So much to learn and comprehend in such a brief prayer. May each of us learn and grow throughout this year how He is really teaching us and what He really desires for us. Bless each of you.