
Re:Verse reading–Genesis 3:8-24  (day six) 

Maybe the hardest kind of knowledge is self-knowledge; seeing yourself for who you really are. Their eyes had been opened, but they still couldn’t see; they had become wise in their own eyes. Rather than come clean, they both thought it wise to hide, and then even wiser still to cast blame. The consequences came, they were just, and they were devastating-heartache, pain, sweat, and death. But that is not the end of the story, God doesn’t walk away, he draws close, covers their shame. He loves them despite it all. He wants them to see Him, and then themselves, in that order. Only then can they know the truth, and the truth will set them free.


Re: Verse reading–Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-25 (day six)

Then God said, “I now give you…” Genesis 1:29

It is no small thing, but it can be easily overlooked. God only addresses humankind with the second person pronoun, “you.” Not with any other creature, but Adam and then Eve, does God speak directly; later He will even issue His first command. This is so profound. We are distinct from all creation because we were made for the divine relationship; we were made to know and be known.

Consider this for a moment, there is no other created thing that hears God’s voice but humankind. When God said, “you” for the first time, Adam and Eve perceived it and understood it. They related to God; they knew Him. We were created to listen to God’s voice, to walk with Him in the garden, to truly know Him. Jesus declared to us that knowing God is the essence of eternal life. (John 17:3)

Are YOU listening?