No copies

RE Verse reading–Acts 9:1-22, 26-28 (day one) “As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.  He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’ ” (vs 3-4)  It is an amazing story.  Amazingly true.  Who can challenge Paul’s testimony to these facts?  He was there.  This event changed him forever, and the world too.  A God of infinite mercy and creativity working to bring a man to repentance and faith.  Why don’t stories like this happen more often in our day?  Perhaps they do!  Different details to be sure.  Different measures of supernatural intervention, but still the story of God’s touch that brings conversion through faith.  Perhaps you have no tale of a blinding light or calling voice.  If however, you have moved from non-faith to faith, and this by the hand/help of God, then you have a miracle story all your own.  There are no copies.  God is too creative to repeat himself.

Down into the water

RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40 (day seven) “Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him”  (vs 38)  We will preach the message of believers/immersion baptism twice today.  We have no argument with those who do it differently, but we don’t find infant baptism anywhere in the New Testament.  Parents dedicate themselves and their children.  Baptism is reserved as a confession of personal faith.  Christ commands us to teach people this theologically, psychologically important step.  See Matthew 28:18-20.   We will do so today.  Twice.  In worship and Bible study we will reflect on Acts 8–how Philip and the eunuch “went down into the water”.  It is a clear picture of immersion.  Tonight at the church picnic we will preach this conviction as we witness the baptism of 7 new members of our fellowship.  “Buried with Christ in baptism, raised to walk in newness of life. . .”  Leading us down into the water, God lifts us up to new life.

Scripture and salvation

RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26 -40 (day six)  “Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet”  (vs30)  God has a plan of salvation.  A path of life for those seeking it.  It culminates in Christ.  It declares itself if baptism.  The content is communicated through Scripture.  The Ethiopian eunuch’s experience  (Acts 8) perfectly portrays the way forward.  Begin with the Bible.  Read it.  Ask questions.  Receive instruction.  Trust Christ as soon as the Scripture makes the path of faith possible for you.  Be baptized as a confession and sign of your salvation.  How little did the eunuch realize when he first picked up the scroll of Isaiah that it would lead him to Christ and joy.  How little do we realize it still has this power for us.  “Faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ”  (Romans 10: 17)  “From childhood, you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ”  (1 Timothy 3:15)

Teachers needed

RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40 (day five)  “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. “How can I, he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” (vs 30-31)  Part of God’s provision for our spiritual progress is people–people who have, themselves, been on a journey of spiritual discovery, who, therefore, can explain things to us.  It requires humility on our part–to accept help and to admit that we need it.  It also requires us to trust God to call and assign these people into service.  Recently, I have recognized a need for a new group of Bible teachers at FBC.  New people are joining and not all of them are finding their way into existing classes.  Know anyone who has the gifts/calling for such a service?  ” The Levites explained the Law to the people. . .They read from the book, from the Law of God, translating to give the sense so that they (the people) understood the reading”  (Nehemiah 8:7-8)  Teachers are needed!

Their meeting was a miracle

RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40 (day four) “On his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch. . .(who was) sitting in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah” (vs 27-28)   Does anyone think this is a coincidence?  I don’t.  Miracles, for me, are not necessarily suspensions of natural law.  They are interventions of God in the affairs of men with outcomes that would have been otherwise impossible.  Acts 8, by this definition, was a miracle.  It happened with perfect timing.  One hour later, Philip would have missed the entourage and the opportunity.  The eunuch was reading the perfect passage of scripture (Isaiah–the lamb of God).  His heart had been perfectly prepared.  Philip had been perfectly equipped to trust the Spirit without question or hesitation.  People call these moments “divine appointments”.  I call them miracles.  Those who walk with the Spirit will encounter moments which carry the evidence of God’s involvement and pre planning.  What could be better?  God offers us life–the opportunity to be part of a miracle.

Our part

RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40 (day three)  “How can I (understand this passage) unless someone explains it to me?”  (vs 31)  An angel spoke to Philip but Philip spoke to the eunuch.  Wouldn’t it have been easier for the angel to go straight to the eunuch?  Cut out the middle man?  Maybe, but it is not how God works.  Part of the Father’s love for us (His grace to us) is to include us in His meaningful work–the reconciliation of people to God.  Our part is to tell the story of Christ.  Our part is to be available to the Spirit.  Our part is to ask questions.  Our part is to interpret scripture,  to help the new believer take the first step (baptism) and, sometimes, to go on to the next assignment.  There is a great plan at work in the world.  The beautiful and powerful drama of redemption!  What we need to remember is that we have a part to play!

Faithful and flexible

RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40  (day two)  “Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, ‘Go south to the road. . .that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’  So he started out. . .”  (vs 26-27)  I love this story.  I do not love the reality it reflects.  The Spirit of God has the right to interrupt my day(s) . . .to substitute His plan, schedule, priority for my own.  He expects me (like Philip) to accept this leadership with a glad and willing heart.  This is not Philip’s first rodeo.  Acts 8 has already presented our exemplary brother with an “opportunity to be flexible.”   When persecution flooded into Jerusalem sending all but the apostles fleeing for safety, did Philip lose his job?  Probably.  Did he have to stop being a deacon?  At least in the way he previously understoood the task.  His reaction?  Walk with the Spirit! See opportunities!  Speak of Jesus!  Being faithful and being flexible are often the same thing.  For Philip.  For us.

Setting a high bar

RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40 (day one)  “Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, ‘Go south to the road–the desert road–that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza’ ” (vs 26)  It is a deacon story.  The second in a series.  In Acts 7 we met Stephen who outperformed any expectations that being a deacon would be a contained, safe, low-impact sort of assignment.  Acts 8 introduces us to another “curve breaker” named Philip.  How can a man be a deacon if he is constantly traveling around preaching sermons and leading people to faith?  Who was feeding the widows?  I don’t know.  I do know an angel called Philip to this task and he obeyed.  No questions asked.  A high bar for us all.  The work of missions and evangelism can never belong to a special class of Christian.   Ministers AND deacons AND members . . .All who follow Christ must accept His assignment as He expands the church outward.  He leads.  We follow. Like Philip.

The temple of the Holy Spirit

RE Verse reading–Acts 6:8-15, 7:1-60 (day seven)  “The Most High does not live in houses made by human hands”  (7:48)  One of the “hot button” issues of the ancient world was the Christian view of the Temple.  Following the example of Christ (in thought and deed) the early believers shifted their loyalty from place to person.  When Jesus said, “destroy this temple and in three days, I will raise it up” he was referring to His body.  Paul later conferred this distinction to every believer.  “Your BODY is the temple of the Holy Spirit”  (1 Corinthians 6:19)  Inflammatory idea!  The Jewish leaders regarded the Temple as a holy place.  It was a traditon and also a significant source of their funding.  Part of their negative reaction to Stephen can be traced this this prejudice.  Just one more example of how redeemed minds begin to to think new thoughts, and how unpopular it can be with people who want to hang on to the old thoughts.

Patience required

RE Verse reading–Acts 6:8-15, 7:1-60 (day six)  “As the time drew near for God to fulfill his promise to Abraham. . .a new king, to whom Joseph meant nothing, came to power in Egypt”  (7:17-18)  One of Stephen’s sermon insights is a good reminder for us.  God’s plan requires patience.  His plan is perfect but also progressive (one step and then another with a timing of His own determination).  Abraham follows.  His father dies.  Then he takes the next step.  His ancestors finally get settled in the land of promise.  Then a famine comes and a 400 year interruption.  Over and over the story encounters delay and direction change–only to reveal that God has been guiding all along.  One thing is certain.  None of us is in charge of God’s calendar.  None of us see the “big picture”.  Our only choice is to follow the Spirit as He presents the assignment/opportunity prepared for us.  Patience will be required.  Those who wait on the Lord. . .