RE Verse reading–Acts 1:12-14, 2:1-18 (day one) ” ‘In the last days’, God says, ‘I will pour forth of my Spirit upon all mankind. . .even upon my bondslaves.’ ” (2:17, 18) I have a new question re. Acts 2. Familiar story. The first disciples obey Christ and return to Jerusalem. They wait and pray. Pentecost arrives (an old Jewish holiday which God is pleased to “fill full” of new meaning, just as He had done Passover 50 day earlier) They are baptized through the Holy Spirit. The immediate effect is boldness of praise to God. Ignoring the danger and the disapproval, they tell the great story! Peter claims it fulfills Joel’s prophecy. Here is my question. Did God promise (in Joel) to pour His Spirit out on ALL mankind or on ALL WHO MEET THE CONDITIONS of salvation and surrender? Are ALL people promised this blessing? Do ALL who claim Christ have this boldness? Who are the “bondservants” in vs 18? Much to think about this week!
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Embracing the unexpected
RE Verse reading–Acts 1:1-8 (day seven) “Lord, is it at this time that you are restoring the Kingdom to Israel?” (vs 6) Another in a long list of things they did not expect. The disciples had not anticipated the cross. Certainly not the resurrection. Now, their question reveals that they are not expecting a chapter of world-wide, Spirit-led missionary expansion either. Paul will later say, God is always “more than we ask or expect” (Ephesians 3:20) Question: How seriously do we take the idea that our plans are not His? How ready are we to embrace life when it is different than we expect? We should be proud of these first followers. In Acts 1:14 (read it next week) they return to Jerusalem and do exactly as He has commanded! No pouting. No resistance or doubt. In inspiring fashion, they practiced what we preach (and sing). . .”Have thine own way, Lord, have thine own way. Thou art the potter, I am the clay.”
Under authority
RE Verse reading–Acts 1:1-8 (day six) “Gathering them together He COMMANDED them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised” (vs 4) There is a great story in Luke 7. It tells of a Roman Centurian who came to Christ seeking help. He describes Himself as, “a man under authority, with soldiers (also) placed under me” (Luke 7:8) Experiencing authority from both sides (as commander and commanded) the Centurian understood the respect that was required of him in relating to Christ. Jesus was impressed. He identified the Centurian’s understanding was an essential ingredient of faith. Perhaps we have drifted from this insight. If we believe in Christ we will also submit to His authority. We will not resist His commands–even when He requires us to wait. Kingdoms require both Kings and loyal subjects. How blessed we are to have a commander worthy of our trust. How wise we are to submit to His commands becoming people under authority.
Less is more
RE Verse reading–Acts 1:1-8 (day five) “So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, ‘Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?’ He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority; but you will receive power. . .and you shall be my witnesses.’ ” (vs 6-8) Sometimes what we want is not what we need. It is a blindness often reflected in our prayers. The disciples wanted KNOWLEDGE (particularly as it related to the kingdom being restored). Jesus knew that they needed POWER FOR SIGNIFICANT SERVICE. Hmmmm. . . Much that is ahead is being hidden from us. The Father does not allow us to know it so that we may daily depend on the Holy Spirit and His missional plans. It is not what we want but more than we can imagine. God is good. Less is more.
Ongoing work
RE Verse reading–Acts 1:1-8 (day four) “The first account (was) about all that Jesus began to do and teach, until the day when He was taken up to heaven” (vs 1-2) It is a uniquely Christian perspective. When we gather for worship or read a newsfeed, we do not remember a dead leader. Christ is still working in the world. We do not think of Him in the past. He is “at the right hand of God” and present in the church through the person of the Holy Spirit. What He BEGAN to do is written in Luke. What He CONTINUED to do is written in Acts. What He CONTINUES to do is written in the history of our church and thousands of others around the world. “It is better for you that I go away”, said the Lord to the disciples (John 16:7) “As the Father has sent me, so send I you” (John 20:21). Nothing has changed. The work continues.
By the Holy Spirit
RE Verse reading–Acts 1:1-8 (day three) “The first account (was) about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day when He was taken up to heaven, after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles” (vs 2) Luke is describing the 40 day period between the resurrection and the ascension of Christ. He speaks of Jesus “presenting Himself alive with many convincing proofs, speaking to them concerning the Kingdom of God” (vs 3) One detail catches our attention. He reports the Lord giving the apostles commands “BY the Holy Spirit”. How so? Those who know the story know that Pentecost is still 10 days away. In what sense did Jesus give orders “BY” the Spirit? Most scholars believe that Luke meant “with reference to ” the Spirit. As Jesus gave the great commission (Matthew 28) He pointed to the power that the Holy Spirit would bring. His purpose. His power. To serve Him effectively, we must be filled!
Christ is no criminal
RE Verse reading–Acts 1:1-8 (day two) “Lord, (are you) restoring the kingdom to Israel?. . .You shall be my witnesss both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth” (vs 8) The disciples were not thinking what Jesus was thinking. Often still true. In vs 6, they ask if the kingdom will be restored to Israel. They imagined a return of the “good old days”–something familiar and contained. Jesus saw a different immediate future. He saw a chapter of Holy Spirit-inspired power and progress that would impact the entire planet! As the children’s song says, He had the whole world in His hands (heart). Are we more like the Lord or the disciples at this point? Looking ahead do we see small or big? Few or many? The power of self or the power of Spirit? James Russell Lowell said, “Not failure, but low aim is crime”. If so, Christ is no criminal.
Baptized with the Holy Spirit
RE Verse reading–Acts 1:1-8 (day one) “John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now” The Holy Spirit’s role is part of our gospel. Redeemed by Christ’s death on the cross, are now saved by His resurrected life (Romans 5:10) Jesus promised the disciples that they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit (probably a one time event completed at Pentecost) and that the Spirit would continually fill, guide, and empower them. Today begins a new series of studies for us at FBC. Over the next 13 weeks, we will be challenged to look at the promises of God’s word and then compare them to our own lives. Read with hope! Christ promises a new place to live (in Him). He also promises new purity. (The Holy Spirit will wash our souls just as water washes our skin) He also promises new power for service. May it be so for every believing heart!
A root of all sorts of evil
RE Verse reading–Luke 21:1-4, 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19 (day seven) “For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith” (1 Timothy 6:10) Money is not THE root of evil. (Sorry King James committee) It is A root of evil (one of many things that compete for our hearts and lead to sin). And, it is the LOVE of money that has this power. A “gold goal” can and does lead people to other acts that grieve the Spirit. Dishonesty. Unkindness. Anxiety. Those who love money will face these temptations as well. Better to teach our hearts that our true passion and privilege is to find and do the will of God, whether we are rich or poor. “Give me neither poverty nor riches, feed me with the food that is my portion” (Proverbs 30:8) “Make sure that your character is free from the love of money” (Hebrews 13:5)
Those who want to get rich
RE Verse reading–Luke 21:1-4, 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19 (day six) “Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare” (1 Timothy 6:9) The Bible warns us away from a mental/moral mistake common in both the ancient and modern world–a desire to be rich. The word is plousios and meant “flow or abundance”. Applied to money it means “more than enough”. Financial abundance can be a blessing from God and an opportunity for service, but not when it gets in the heart and becomes our goal. The Christian’s goal must (always and only) be the do the Father’s will. “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work.” (John 4:34) To walk with Christ, our lives must be ruled by this same passion. Whether we end up rich or poor, our hearts must allow no other love . “You cannot serve God and Mammon” (Matthew 6:24) Passionate and pure people, we want something higher than wealth.