God is at Work

Re: Verse reading–Revelation 14 (day four)

God was speaking to the prophet Habakkuk, centuries before the birth of Christ.  In chapter 1, God said, “Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days—you would not believe if you were told.”  (Habakkuk 1:5)  All through history, God has been at work to redeem mankind from sin.  He has painted His picture of redemption in everything.  Unbelievers see God’s activity but have no comprehension of its meaning.  To those who have spiritual discernment, His work tells of His heart and will.

When you are looking for God’s activity, you will learn of His character and His will.  Here in Revelation, even at the very end, God is proclaiming the Gospel one last time.  He is giving men and women every opportunity to come to Christ.  Watch for God’s message…watch for His works…they speak of Him.  Be alert for a fresh understanding…God has mighty plans for the present and the future!


Re: Verse reading–Revelation 14 (day three)   

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” Consider what death is: darkness, isolation, hopelessness, abandonment, cessation.  Jesus says in John 8 that the one who counts on him will know none of these things.  For the one who has obeyed the word of Jesus Christ, there will be, at the moment this life ends, not one millisecond of dread or regret—of falling into the abyss or receding into the void.  We experience that person as dead, because we cannot presently live with him, but that person will know nothing of the sort.  And one day, his body will be raised to join his spirit in a fully human life in this renewed universe that will never grow old. Now that’s blessed. Go on and rescue that word from social media before it’s too late.


Re: Verse reading–Revelation 14 (day two)   

And I heard a voice from heaven, saying, “Write, ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on!’” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “so that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them.” vs. 13

Serve well, then rest. Live according to your call. Pursue God with every breath, each gift, every relationship, conversation, circumstance, and opportunity, then rest. For the truth, according to this scripture, is that your work does not rest. Those moments that you labored and toiled for the work of the Kingdom will continue to make an eternal impact. Nothing done for the Lord is in vain, nothing. Every day our witness is made stronger by the work of a saint we will never meet until Heaven. Their sacrifice adds to God’s beautiful design for the Kingdom-work here on Earth. Pursue God and then rest.

Grapes of wrath

Re: Verse reading–Revelation 14 (day one)   

“The angel swung his sickle to the earth, and gathered the clusters from the vine of the earth, and threw them into the great wine press of the wrath of God.”–v 19.

It is where John Steinbeck took the title for his famous novel.  It is where we get the image of the “grim reaper” with a sickle in his hand.  It’s a line we recognize from”The Battle Hymn of the Republic”.  “He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.”

Ancients were familiar with a wine press.  When ripe, grapes were gathered, dumped together and trampled so that something better could be produced. (wine)  Ruthless process!  Good result.

When the sins of the earth are “ripe”, an angel will give a similar command. This “harvest” will begin.  Rebellious men will be trampled.  The earth will get its first taste of the sweet wine of God’s approval and presence.

A wartime virtue

Re:Verse passage: Revelation 12:1-6, 13-17; 13:1-4, 11-18 (day seven) 

“They did not love their life even when faced with death”–v 12:11.

In peacetime, “loving life” is a virtue.  At least, some think so.  “enjoy oneself in all one’s labor. . .during the few years that God has given”, said Solomon as he tried to discern the way of wisdom. (Ecclesiastes 5:18)

In time of war, this “virtue” is replaced by another–that of “NOT loving life”.  When war comes, the man who seeks safety and pleasure or profit is rightly judged as small and selfish.  He is a traitor.

In the cosmic war that history is, God’s heroes are marked by unselfish courage.   “They did NOT love their lives.”  They do not seek safety or success.  They realize that they must enter the struggle even if it costs them their life.

Jesus knew this truth.  He lived it.  In wartime, loving your life is not a virtue.  Not loving it is.

The Woman and The Dragon(Serpent)

Re:Verse passage: Revelation 12:1-6, 13-17; 13:1-4, 11-18 (day six) 

This should sound very familiar. From the beginning there is a foreshadowing of redemption to come through the offspring of Eve, redemption from the condemnations of the serpent. Revelation 12 retells for us an old story and an old promise, but this time with a woman and a dragon. The first is an episode from the earliest days of human history, the second is redemptive history on display like a grand fresco. Why does God retell this story in this way?

The woman and the dragon in chapter 12 remind us of God’s promise to overcome the travesty in the Garden, to undo sin and rebellion, offering restoration through the woman’s offspring. It is a reminder that God, throughout all history, is making things new through Jesus; that the adversary can never overcome His bride, the Church.

That’s good news! Just the kind of reminder we need.

Faithful and Devoted

Re:Verse passage: Revelation 12:1-6, 13-17; 13:1-4, 11-18 (day five) 

The saints described in Revelation 12:11 remain faithful and devoted until the very end of the world. Their perspective has never changed or waivered. Their worldview remains biblically based.

Sin- Sin is too big a problem/condition for man to fix or solve. It is a man-made problem, but doesn’t have a man-made solution. The sacrificial death of God’s Son (the blood of the Lamb) is the only means by which to experience the forgiveness of sin.

Testimony- An experience deeper than emotion or intellect has forever changed the heart, mind, and soul of each believer. A life-saving encounter with Christ gives personal knowledge and understanding of the power of God. (power that opposes the attack and deception of Satan)

Life- Life is larger and longer than just the experience on earth. There is an eternal outlook and awareness. Physical death is not the end; therefore they need not fear it. (to live is Christ, to die is gain)

Will we be know as faithful and devoted?


Watch Out for the Beasts!

Re:Verse passage: Revelation 12:1-6, 13-17; 13:1-4, 11-18 (day four)

Revelation is full of symbolism.  In this week’s passage, there is a dragon and two beasts.  Three separate pictures, but seemingly one purpose.  The common thread that weaves them together is death and power…they each use their power to blaspheme the Lord and to divert worship to them instead of God.  Deception…idolatry…destruction…whatever they could use to turn the world away from God.

We see it in today’s world…the whole culture seems bent on using an overwhelming authority to divert worship from God to a culture of death.  What are the beasts around you?  What is trying to turn you away from God?  Is it your friends?  Is it your job?  Is it your leisure activities?  Learn to recognize the ‘beasts’ around you.  They work together in conjunction with each other to claim your worship and devotion.  Remember verse 11:  “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.


Re:Verse passage: Revelation 12:1-6, 13-17; 13:1-4, 11-18 (day three) 

“The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”  People are often surprised to hear that their actions have consequences for which they are accountable.  And sometimes, people blame the church—or more commonly, “organized religion” (just a hair’s breadth away from “organized crime”) for making up this system.  But accountability is not an arbitrary system, it’s a fundamental reality.  And it’s certainly not an invention of the church.  (Accountability gives too much credit to the moral reasoning of the individual; you don’t want to emphasize the value of each person if you’re just seeking raw power.)  Accountability is the way the universe has worked from the beginning.  And sinful humans cannot survive it, so God’s mercy has been right there all along—“from the foundation of the world”—to save our lives.

Don’t Be Fooled

Re:Verse passage: Revelation 12:1-6, 13-17; 13:1-4, 11-18 (day two) 

I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; 13:3

Do you remember the Exodus story? When Moses and Aaron came before Pharaoh they performed many wondrous signs, but so did the magicians of the court. We often hear people claim that if they could behold something really amazing and miraculous they would follow God. There are several things wrong with that statement. God doesn’t have to convince us of anything. His wonders are clearly on display for all to behold. But the other thing to think about is the deceiver can perform wondrous things as well. If we are lured by spectacle, we must resist the temptation to follow blindly. How does any work or wonder point to Jesus? How does it show us more of his character. Be on guard.