Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 10 (day five) Paul uses an interesting phrase as he reveals the strategy for the warfare against culture and worldly things. “and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,”
The battleground is in the minds (thoughts, knowledge, understanding) of the Corinthians. The strategy for combat is to make their minds mind- become obedient. How does one make their mind mind? It’s more difficult than you might guess. Because our thoughts come from within, we can easily be confused to believe that they are automatically true. The scriptures have lots of warnings about our thinking and our minds- strengthening, subduing, renewing. The Bible also exhorts is to, “test the spirits (thoughts, ideas, understandings) to see if they are from God”. Test with the scriptures, test with Christian community, test with trusted Pastors, and test with personal prayer. To follow Christ, we must make our minds mind.