Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 5:11-21 (day four)
Verse 21 is the Heart of the Gospel! “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
It was certainly not an even exchange…His righteousness for our unrighteousness. We were the great beneficiaries. Our lives were purchased by God. As a result, we have a new responsibility to be an ambassador for Christ. It is not an option…we don’t get to choose. We have been bought with a price…His blood and His righteousness!
So what is the result or aftereffect of this exchange for us? (Besides forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.) Self-centeredness is gone, unforgiveness is gone, pridefulness is gone…anger, a judgmental spirit, lack of love, and more. Our lives should begin to look like Christ’s–after all, we are bought. Our unrighteousness gives way to His righteousness! Can the world recognize that your life is no longer yours?