Amazed, Pt. 2

Re:Verse reading– Mark 6:1-13 (day seven)

Jesus marveled because of their unbelief. Mark 6:6

People were amazed by the formerly demon possessed man’s story, the people of Capernaum were amazed by Jesus’ teaching, now it is Jesus’ turn to be amazed, but not by their great faith, but by their unbelief. It begs the question, why was he so amazed by their unbelief? It could be that he was amazed by their hardness of heart.

There is nothing truer, more real, than God. This is why blaspheme is such a big deal, it ascribes evil to that which is clearly of God (the Holy Spirit). It is akin to denying that the source of warmth on your skin belongs to the heat radiating from the Sun, and then denying that the Sun even exists. Jesus’ teaching, healing, and even his very person were literal statements of an obvious divine reality. His hometown would not have it; they denied the Son.

The greatest way we acknowledge the reality of the Son is to enjoy his presence and to do what he asks of us. How can you embrace the truth of Jesus today?


Re:Verse reading– Mark 5:1-20 (day six)

People were amazed by the man’s story. Everywhere he went he told his story, and people marveled. This isn’t surprising, after all his story IS remarkable; demon possessed man returns to his right mind after being restored by the Son of the Most High God. Now that’s a story!

What is even more amazing is that Jesus commissioned him to go tell people about his encounter with the Most High God, rather than stay with him. What if his family and friends responses were directly tied to the authority in which he was commissioned to tell his story? What if it wasn’t his story at all, but Jesus at work in those who heard it because he was faithful to tell it.

Here’s the thing, we were not called to linger with Jesus, but to follow Jesus. Our commission is no different than the Gerasene man’s; we too must go and tell our Gospel story. God’s plan for His Kingdom was always predicated on our telling others what He has done; we just might be amazed by peoples responses when we do.

Go tell it on on the mountain…and everywhere.


Re:Verse reading–Mark 3: 20-35 (six)

This chapter is full of opposition, and some from the most unexpected places. Every which way he went he faced those who would keep Him from fulfilling His mission. The establishment opposed him, demons opposed him, and even his family opposed him, although in a different way from the first two. Here’s the thing, following Jesus is not the most socially or culturally prudent thing to do; it makes you abnormal, like you are “losing your mind.”

But remember what Jesus said, “whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:39) So go ahead, “lose” your mind; go crazy for Jesus’ sake; upend the status quo. Will you find opposition? Yes, from some unexpected places even, that mean well (just like Jesus’ family meant well), but like many before you, you will discover that real life is not found in the opposition but in Jesus alone.


Re:Verse reading–Mark 2:1-12 (day six)

What kind of faith gets Jesus’ attention? What kind of faith merits His forgiveness? Jesus doesn’t always heal in this direction, faith first. He doesn’t always say, “your faith has made you well.” Sometimes he chooses to heal first and faith comes later. But not in this case. So what caught the savior’s eye? What kind of faith pleases God?

Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “Without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would draw near to HIM must believe that HE exists and rewards those who seek HIM.” What is clear is that all their hope began and ended with this man Jesus. They didn’t know all there was to know about Jesus, but they believed in all they knew, all of what he had taught, and all he had done.

How about you? With all that you know about Jesus, this side of the Cross, is your faith pleasing to God?


Re:Verse reading–Mark 1:21-39 (day six)

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. John 1:14

There is no greater collision in human history than the incarnation of the Son of God. The Gospel of Mark narrates this collision for us in spectacular detail. Jesus, the light of the world collides with the darkness, and it retreated. Jesus collided against human brokeness and healed countless. And the Word spoke and all who heard him were amazed!

He is unavoidable. He is the larger-than-the-universe elephant in the room; he collides with us. Even after 2000 years this divine collision demands a personal response. John the Baptist knew who he was (because the Spirit testified), and declared “he must increase.” The demons knew, and they shuddered.

How about you? How will you respond, even today, to this beautiful collision?


Re:Verse reading–Revelation 21:1-8; 22:1-7,16-17 (day six) 

“Behold, I am making all things new.”-God

Maybe that was his plan the whole time. Perhaps, that is the very essence of the Gospel-making things new. We often only think of salvation in terms of forgiveness, but it is much more than that. To make things right, required much more than forgiveness (which the cross provided), it also required restoration, to bring things back to their intended purpose. That is the true aim of the Gospel, to restore all of creation. Jesus, the incarnate Son, was the very first recreative act of God that would bring a tidal wave of recreation to all the universe, of which we are partakers.

Our recreation is complete in Revelation 21, when the dead are raised to newness of life, a life without sorrow, or pain, or death-just life everlasting in full fellowship with the Father, Son, and Spirit. Now that is real life! So here is the question, are you being made new?


Re: Verse reading–Revelation 19:11-21, 20:1-10 (day six)

Satan is bound, but we are free. By “we,” I mean the Church. The powers of hell will not/cannot prevail against it! Ironically we don’t always live free. Often we hesitate to talk about Jesus to others out of fear, or we fail to see how the Gospel changes all of our life at home and at work. We live as if we are bound, but we are to live free, and with authority to fish for men.

This morning, or afternoon, take the time to examine your own life. Do you live free? Or do you live as if you are bound? And remember Satan has no authority (any longer) to accuse or condemn; he has no power over you. You are a child of the King; now ask God for the grace to live like it!


Re: Verse reading–Revelation 17 – 18 (Day six)

“Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure.” Revelation 19:7-8

This weekend I am away hosting a Marriage Strong marriage retreat. It has been such a delight to share this weekend with such good people. It is also fitting in light of Revelation 17-19. What a contrast between the Bride of Christ, the Church, and the “mother of prostitutes” depicted so vividly in John’s vision. The great prostitute is the epicenter of immorality and idolatry; the world is captivated by her lusts, and she and all who follow her fall under the weight of their unrighteousness, receiving what they deserve, the very wrath of God.

But the Bride! Preserved by the Lion and the Lamb, she stands in brilliant righteousness. Not bearing a righteousness of her own but clothed by the blood of our Redeemer, she does not cower in fear, but stands in His love, mercy, and grace. We are loved! We are preserved! We are clothed in fine linen, bright, and pure!

When That Day Comes

Re: Verse reading–Revelation 15 and 16 (day six)

“…and they would not repent and give Him glory.” Revelation 16:9

John records this twice, once in verse nine and again in verse 11. We’ve read it before, but it is no less unnerving. How can anyone facing the reality of God along with his wrath remain unrepentant? It certainly reminds us of 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11, “…they found no place in their hearts for the truth so as to be saved. Consequently, God sends them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false. And so all of them who have not believed the truth but have delighted in evil will be condemned.” They are unable to repent because God rewarded their unbelief with further delusion.

It is a frightful thing, but that is not what I want us to contemplate today. On the Day of the Lord, the Day of Wrath, will we rejoice in the destruction of the wicked or lament? Should we rejoice? I do not think we will delight in the destruction of the wicked, but rather rejoice in the glory of God’s holiness as it stands against them. After all even God, “does not delight in the destruction of the wicked.” On that day the glorious holiness of God will take vengeance against the unrighteous over all the earth, and we will rejoice in the full display of His glory. Paul alludes to the reality in Romans 9:22, “what if God, willing to demonstrate his wrath and make known his power, has endured with much patience the objects of wrath prepared for destruction?”

On that day, we will not wonder if God is too harsh, or whether or not we should rejoice. No, we will glory in the justice and power of God!

The Woman and The Dragon(Serpent)

Re:Verse passage: Revelation 12:1-6, 13-17; 13:1-4, 11-18 (day six) 

This should sound very familiar. From the beginning there is a foreshadowing of redemption to come through the offspring of Eve, redemption from the condemnations of the serpent. Revelation 12 retells for us an old story and an old promise, but this time with a woman and a dragon. The first is an episode from the earliest days of human history, the second is redemptive history on display like a grand fresco. Why does God retell this story in this way?

The woman and the dragon in chapter 12 remind us of God’s promise to overcome the travesty in the Garden, to undo sin and rebellion, offering restoration through the woman’s offspring. It is a reminder that God, throughout all history, is making things new through Jesus; that the adversary can never overcome His bride, the Church.

That’s good news! Just the kind of reminder we need.