God Alone

Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 12:1-23 (day six)

Once conviction sets in, David quickly confesses, “I have sinned against the Lord.” In Psalm 51 David writes, “Against you only have I sinned.” Why not Bathsheba, or Uriah? If we are honest, it bothers us that David fails to mention those who received the brunt of his sin. I’m sure there were moments, not recorded for us, that David expressed the particulars of his guilt, but maybe God has a different agenda in these verses.

Maybe God intends for us to know there are a priority of offenses, and the greatest offense when we sin is against the Lord. Perhaps though, God intends to teach us something else too. What if he wants us to connect the dots of our sin, that to sin against the Lord leads to the harm of others? The two great commandments, love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself are deeply connected. To fail to love God, and thus not obeying His Word, will always lead to a failure to love your neighbor. I think David knew this all too well; to confess to the one (his sin against the Lord alone), was to confess to the other.

Here’s another truth that follows: a failure to love God, will always impact the people around you.


Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 11 (day six)

David’s fall into tragedy did not happen overnight. It took time. It was a steady, but slow decline into spiritually lethargy and indifference. See how far David had come; it is not until he is confronted by Nathan that he smells the decaying stench of his sin. Not in a million years could he have imagined how far he would fall.

The small things tend to add up. An inch here, a couple there, a small detour over there; at first you can’t notice but soon the decline really begins to show itself, and it is only after you are forced to take a step back and look that you see just how far you have fallen.

That’s why Paul encourages us, “Run as if to when the prize,” or “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” In the Christian life lethargy is not an option; it’s deadly.


Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 8 (day six)

“So, David reigned over all Israel.”

2 Samuel 8 is a brief overview of David establishing himself as king of Israel. It retells his military exploits, securing and expanding the kingdom. The writer wants us to know what kind of king David is; he is strong, shrewd, wise and just. Twice, we are told that David’s rise as king is attributed to “the Lord.” 

In the Old Testament stories of David often point us to Jesus. He is the embodiment of a promise of an even better king. So as David establishes himself as king so long ago, it also is a picture of Jesus establishing his kingship over our lives, marriages, families, and yes even the nations.

So, here’s the question, is Jesus’ kingship on the rise in your life? More and more is he gaining victory over strongholds and barriers to greater intimacy, unity, and purpose? From big to small things, are you yielding to Him more and more? Will you let him reign?


Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 7 (day six)

Where we start is not nearly as important as where we end up. King David begins chapter seven comfortable but alone, by the middle he is right where God wants him. Up to this point David is known for his dependence on God. From Goliath’s defeat to David’s coronation, we see a David desperate for the presence and Word of God. But not so in chapter 7. Here we encounter a different David, a rested, self-sufficient David. God takes the opportunity to remind David of the kind of God he is and introduce a new covenant. Both are incredibly important, but what God wanted more than anything is revealed in verse 18:

“Then King David went in and sat before the Lord…”

David began self sufficient and alone; he ended sitting before the Lord. He ended up right where he needed to be.


Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 6 (day six)

And David danced before the Lord with all his might2 Samuel 6:14

I imagine we would have felt a little uncomfortable with David’s dance, but consider something with me for a moment. What if dancing is the most whole expression of worship. The Lord commanded, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” (Dt. 6:4) As westerners we tend to emphasize our mind (we pride ourselves in our theologically rich hymns) and affections in worship, but we fall short of the whole self. Not so with dancing; dancing can express heart, soul, and might.

So, maybe dignified worship is not worship’s fullest form, maybe dancing (while singing of course) is. This week when Kenyan women (in greet need) received buckets of non-perishable food, they sang…and danced unto the Lord. It’s easy to chalk that up as cultural, and maybe so, but what if dancing is more than cultural.

It’s just a thought, a consideration.

So, when’s the last time you worshipped with all your might? If you had, you probably could not have helped yourself; you probably would have danced…a little; maybe just the slightest shuffle. 🙂


Re:Verse passage 2 Samuel 1; 2:1-7 (day six)

2 Samuel is the story of a king, a better king. After Saul’s death David makes a savvy move under God leadership by making his way to Hebron in Judah. There elders crowned him king, although one of Saul’s sons remained. It was a brave political move, but more simply, the Judeans longed for a better king, and they found one in David.

David’s kingship is an epic tale, but the longing still remains at its close. But God did that on purpose. His covenant with David ensures us a even better king is coming and has come.

Jesus is the fulfillment of that promise, and the satisfaction of a longing for a better king.

“Jesus, King of the Jews.”-Pilate


Re:Verse passage – John 21 (day six)

John concludes his Gospel alluding to the wealth of activity and teaching of Jesus that simply would not fit in his book. What I find amazing is, instead of including something more glamorous, John chooses to include these simple and intimate final moments with Jesus by a campfire. They are not necessarily spectacular; after all, we’ve seen Jesus do that thing he does with fish before, so why include THEM?

If eternal life is to know the one true God and the one who he has sent, Jesus Christ, then these last few moments with these seven disciples make so much sense.  They are a picture of closeness and knowingness. It is in these simple intimate moments that Jesus reminds them of who He is and who they are.

Sometimes we look for the profound in the glamorous, when what we need are simple intimate moments with Jesus. When we find ourselves there, we discover once again who we really are because we are reminded of who He is.


Re:Verse passage – John 20:1-21 (day six)

No one expected this. No one. Not even after he told them so. Not after Jesus did the impossible in raising Lazarus, and Talitha, and a young man from Nane from the dead. Not to mention the countless miracles. Not in a million years did they expect Jesus to come out of that tomb.

The resurrection is the firstborn of an untold number of unexpected moments, i.e children of wrath becoming children of God. And yet to this day, we still struggle to belief He can bring dead things to life. He can and he does, like marriages or people you never thought could change.

The resurrection is why we cling to hope, even when there seems to be no way. He is the way. 

“Father, we believe, but help our unbelief!”


Re:Verse passage – John 19:1-30 (day six)

John is doing more than retelling a historical account, albeit the greatest story ever told. He’s casting our own reflection.

We see Pilate, passive but intrigued. We see the soldiers, indifferent to Jesus, but enjoying the mockery and the torture. The chief priests and Jewish officers, far from indifferent, they hated Jesus. And the crowd, they were the cheering section, disappointed because Jesus wasn’t the messiah they wanted him to be. We see the criminals by his side, one humble, the other a cynical skeptic. And then there are the four Mary’s and John; heart broken and in disbelief.

Do you see yourself in the reflection John casts. I do. Which one are you?


Re:Verse passage – John 14:15-31 (day six)

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” -Jesus, John 14:18

Jesus promised them His presence, even though he would no longer be present. He said, “…the world will see me no more, but you will see me.” Enter the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our helper in that He enables us to truly see Jesus, to know His presence, until He comes again. It’s really no surprise then, that the Holy Spirit would bring to remembrance all that Jesus had said to them. It wasn’t a peculiar feeling that the Holy Spirit would give them, or even us now; no, it wasn’t like that. It was more than a feeling; it was Jesus’ very words brought back to them. Right there, in the memory of truths and promises spoken, they saw Jesus in all His beauty and goodness.

This is the reason we read God’s Word, to see and savor the beauty and goodness of Jesus by the power of the Spirit. So, if you want to see and experience Jesus’ presence in your life, you must be in His Word.