Re:Verse passage – Daniel 12:1-13 (day six)
13 “As for you, go your way until the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days, you will rise again to receive the inheritance set aside for you.” Daniel 12:13
What I find comforting in this encounter, is not only a reassurance of a secure future, but also God’s personal word for Daniel…for the now. Much of the time Daniel is caught up in sweeping visions of apocalyptic proportions, but not in verse 13.
As for you…
These three simple words remind us that we are not lost in the crowd of humanity’s history or future. God knows us, and even more, has a word for us that is relevant now. While God guides all of human history to its end and new beginning, he loves us still…personally. He knows. He cares. He loves. He redeems. He provides.
God is big, and He is small. He spoke the universe into existence, and He whispers to us.
It’s personal. He’s personal.