Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 3:14-21 (day three)
“…that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.”
The phrase “by faith,” might seem at times very close to “by make-believe.” Consider, though: when you’ve been many miles away from someone you love and long to be near, have you brought that person to mind and felt in your body a sense of calm and well-being as you immerse yourself in the images of past experiences you’ve shared together? Or have you had such a moment bringing to mind a loved one who has died? Is this experience real, or is it make-believe? Surely you’re not pretending to feel the warmth and comfort of the person’s presence. There is a reality in such occurrences that transcends time and space. This is the way you are made; you carry around within you those you love. And so it is with Christ. Believe it.