
Re:Verse reading–Acts 20:17-38 (day two) Therefore, I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God. vs. 26-27

 When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this Man’s blood; see to that yourselves.” Matthew 27:24

Similar words – much different motivation. Pilate didn’t want the blame, Paul carried a burden for humanity. Whenever we are motivated to act, what spurs us on? Do we act based on fear of the world or fear of the Lord? How often have you felt the urging of the Holy Spirit to speak only to quench prompting because of your own fear? We don’t want to get in to an argument. We aren’t sure how they will respond. We aren’t the most qualified to have these kinds of discussions.

Paul was fearless. He felt that nothing else mattered. He was never hostile, but he was not bullied either. He had a purpose to tell all he could about Jesus. Is our purpose any different? Have the rules changed at all? Are we innocent?


Object Lesson

Re:Verse reading–Acts 17:10-12, 16-34 (day two)  

For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar…vs. 23a

Why do we love children’s sermons so much? It’s true that we often get as much out of those few moments as the kids, and sometimes more. In that brief time our pastors often find an object that the kids can connect with. A picture, a toy, a book, etc. These “objects” become the focus of a larger lesson. Its a pretty effective teaching model. Begin at a place where both teacher and student can relate, and then expand on their understanding of a broader topic.

Paul did just that. These Athenians were accustomed to discourse and welcomed a new way of thinking. Paul simply met them where they were. He didn’t have to manufacture his witness. He was aware of his audience and their understanding of the world. One of our core commitments at FBCSA is to seek out meaningful opportunities to witness. Start where they are, and let your knowledge of Jesus fill in the rest.

Let’s Sing

Re:Verse reading–Acts 16:11-34 (day two) 

And suddenly there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were unfastened. vs. 26

It’s hard to imagine, but prayer and praise can break bonds that hold you captive. We don’t  know what sort of mental state Paul and Silas were in after being arrested. Worried, angry, sad? Perhaps all or none, but scripture is silent in regards to that. What we do read is their response to setbacks and adversity. When they were ostensibly at their lowest we read that they chose to sing. With all the scriptures that call us to worship God, and all the Psalms that are devoted to just that is it any wonder when the Lord literally breaks the chains that bind Paul and Silas when they turn their praise to God through adversity?

You may not be locked in the inner cell of a prison, but your heart may be. You may not feel like singing, but that is just the time to start. Sing through the frustration, the pain, the rejection, and turn your heart to praise. There cannot be room for both. God will break your chains. Let’s sing.

Let It Go

Re:Verse reading–Acts 15:1-29 (day two)  

But some of the sect of the Pharisees who had believed stood up, saying, “It is necessary to circumcise them and to direct them to observe the Law of Moses.” vs. 5

Every morning when I get Jessica in the car she begins to ask Elsa? Elsa? Which translated means: “Daddy, I would be most grateful if you would please play the soundtrack to the animated movie Frozen.” The hit song from that movie, is titled “Let it Go.” If you have walked by anyone under 25 in the past 4 years, you know this. As I read this verse this morning that title kept running through my head.

These new believers had a lot of religious baggage that they brought with them. They were well-educated, and knew the customs of the people. Peter had already had to deal with this for himself, but it would be the theme in the early years of the church. We cannot expect to have a conversion experience and bring every thought, action, and custom from our old lives. It just won’t work. What are those things you are still holding on to? Let it go.

Think Again

Re:Verse reading–Acts 11:1-26 (day two)  

But a voice from heaven answered a second time, ‘What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.’ vs. 9

All Christians have come to accept that part of our walk is the need to repent. To confess those things that hinder us from a fully surrendered life in Christ. As Pastor Don has told us, the Greek word that we use for repentance means to “think again.” When we think again about our actions or our attitudes we look with Jesus’ eyes upon those choices.

Peter was asked to “think again” with regards to what he could eat and with whom he could associate. His previous actions were not sinful, actually quite the contrary, he would refrain from eating or associating based on the Jewish custom and law. Jesus now wanted to show Peter a better way. Those customs played an important role in Jewish history and culture, but now Jesus wanted to show that his love was for all.

Is there some habit or attitude that you have that could use a spiritual reboot? Are there things that you could stand to think again about? Is every attitude and action of your life focused on Jesus’ Kingdom plan for your life? Time to think again?

They will notice

Re:Verse reading–Acts 9:1-22, 26-31 (day two) The men who traveled with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one. vs. 7

This is an interesting element of Saul’s conversion story. During a relatively isolated journey to Damascus Jesus chooses to reveal himself to Saul, but allows others to hear the exchange. This man whom God would use to write the first chapters of the early church was already on a well-recognized path. His conversion clearly rocked the followers of The Way, see Ananias’ reaction in verses 13-14. We often consider how the apostles and the other believers reacted to Saul’s conversion, but what about those who were with him on that road? What kind of story did they tell? They heard the voice of Jesus!

Few of us will ever have the testimony of Saul/Paul, but when God chooses to intervene in our lives, people will notice. Those who know Jesus, and those who knew you before. Has he done that work for you? Is your life bearing evidences of this change?


Re:Verse reading–Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-58, 8:1-5, 26-38 (day two) 

Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go up and join this chariot.”  Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet… 8:29-30a

Philip knew that he would not be on this journey were it not for the work of the Holy Spirit. It seems logical, then, to assume that Philip was very sensitive to the Spirit’s guidance. How did he respond? He ran. There is so much to unpack about the Re:Verse this week, but what has struck me first was Philip’s obedience. He was on a desert road to begin with, also at the Spirit’s behest, and now he has been called to speak to a foreigner. We don’t read of his hesitations, or his doubts. These might have existed, but they are not what drove Philip. He knew had had a reason to be on that journey. He was called, and therefore he felt compelled to share the truth.

We would do well to remember that we are on a journey instigated by the Holy Spirit. When we are called, will you run to or from?

Nothing to Say

Re:Verse reading–Acts 4:5-31 (day two) 

And seeing the man who had been healed standing with them, they had nothing to say in reply. vs. 14

Is your witness like this? I confess, mine rarely is, but what a beautiful story. Those whose hearts were cold toward the gospel were determined not to hear it, but the testimony of Peter and John coupled with their actions did not leave any room for dispute. They had no glaring fallacies to point out regarding their message. The evidence of the healing miracle was leaping around beside them. They simply had nothing to say.

We may not see all of our efforts end in the conversion of thousands, but may our prayer be that the world will have nothing on us. Nothing to hold over us. May our love and compassion be so clear that they simply cannot speak. I am praying for your testimony to be strong today. Will you pray for mine? There are many watching, and God is at work.

More than Your Gold

Re: Verse reading–Acts 3:1-20  (day two) 

But Peter said, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you:” vs. 6a

I learned this verse from a more poetic translation: Silver and gold have I none…it has always stuck with me. I don’t think we modern American Christianity resonates as much with this anymore. It’s almost like, “I’ve got money, that should be enough.” The easiest thing we can do is write a check. It is in the act of serving that challenges us. Meeting our brothers and sisters where they are, praying, sharing, loving; these are the acts of service that will require more than your pocketbook. These are the acts of service that will pay eternal dividends.

Piercing Power

Re: Verse reading–Acts 2:1-41 (day two) 

“Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart…” – vs. 37

What is the power of the gospel fueled by the Holy Spirit? It is the power to pierce the heart of anyone who hears. Consider that these people who were pierced were only a few verses earlier accusing Peter and the others of being drunk. How do you go from callously dismissing someones ramblings to being utterly convicted by their testimony? That is the power of the Spirit. Jesus said that it was to our advantage that he go away so that the comforter might come (John 16:7). Do not think that your testimony lacks power. Jesus used ordinary men. He still does. His message can still pierce the heart of the unbeliever. Who will go and tell the world his story?