Re:Verse passage – Daniel 11:1-45 (day two)
And now I will tell you the truth. Behold, three more kings are going to arise. Vs. 2a
So, you’re saying there’s going to be war? I have tried to read this chapter as Daniel would have read it. We have some indication who these kings of the North and South were as we have layered history on top of prophecy, but Daniel did not. In that sense, I get frustrated. North, South, kings and kingdoms, battles and false gods; doesn’t it seem like a world spinning out of control. What is a prophet to do? Then I realize, I’m not Daniel, and that is an indictment on my spiritual formation. Tough words were not new to him or his faith journey. He delivered them to Kings all his life. He was put in a place to speak truth to power, and to withstand the changing regimes of godless men. Daniel may have been wearied by these words, but his faith was not shaken. If the Lord continued to allow kingdoms to rise and fall, that didn’t change Daniel’s assignment in a greater Kingdom design. We cannot change our place in history, but we can accept where God has placed us and get to work.