Re:Verse passage – 1 Thessalonians 1:2-6 (day two)
You also became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit, Vs. 6
Regional question for you: Where you grew up did you have connect the dot pictures, or dot to dot pictures? I confess that I had never heard of dot to dot until a two years ago. When I read this passage this morning I was thinking of the long line of faithful men and women who have served as faithful followers of Christ since the time of Paul. We all share the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives who has connected each of us together. We will never fully appreciate the grand design that the Lord is putting together until we reach Heaven, but don’t you imagine that it will look incredible. Think also about how Paul describes what he sees in the Thessalonians believers. They imitated what they saw lived out in other believers who had in turn lived out what they had received from the Lord. Again, the Holy Spirit has helped shape our faith by allowing us to see others live out this great testimony. Think of who the Spirit has connected you to, and to whom you are being called to connect.