
Re:Verse passage – Luke 5:33-39 (day two) And they said to Him, “The disciples of John often fast and offer prayers, the disciplesof the Pharisees also do the same, but Yours eat and drink.” vs. 33

The Pharisees are in the weeds. Just a few verses prior to this passage they are complaining to Jesus about who he eats with, and here they are concerned with whether he eats. As is often the case in these exchanges these religious leaders they have missed the point entirely. This tactic is not unknown to us. If we find that we cannot argue from a strong position, we attack peripheral or petty things. We focus on shallow unimportant areas that don’t ultimately move anyone forward. The next time you feel the need to push back on someone consider your position first. Are you operating out of love, and does it ultimately matter. Otherwise you’re just in the weeds.


Re:Verse passage – James 5:19-20 (day two)

My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, 20 let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. 

Iron sharpens iron,
So one man sharpens another. 
Proverbs 27:17

The need to have others in our lives to help shape our faith and hold us accountable is immeasurably valuable. To be a disciple and a disciple maker is part of the ongoing working out of our faith as we navigate this mortal journey. Where are you on this spectrum? Are you being discipled? Is there someone in your life that you need to disciple? This is not an either/or proposition, this is how we do faith. Getting forward as a body of Christ contains an element of accountability. Let us all be praying for God to reveal who we can partner with today.


Re:Verse passage – James 5:12-18 (day two)

But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so that you may not fall under judgment. vs. 12

Whether in your spiritual walk or other areas of your life, it is important to establish what you believe, what you stand for, and what you will represent. It’s ok to have an opinion. We are often too worried about how that will come across to others. Many times it is not our opinion that offends people as much as how we force it on others. In conversations with others I will often lead with “I’m willing to be wrong, but this is what I believe.” We often don’t take enough time to truly examine why we believe what we believe, and that leads to indifference. James has something to say about that. Start with the things that matter. Who is Jesus to you? Know what you believe about him, and then speak with love and conviction.


Re:Verse passage – James 5:7-11 (day two)

We count those blessed who endured. vs. 11 a

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.  James 1:2-4

As James completes his letter by gently restating his observation about enduring trials. This time he doesn’t say “count it all joy,” but he reminds us of those who have come out of the fire and how we all have admired their faith as a result. Be like them, he would say to us. Have you read “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom? It is an incredible testament to this sort of faith. Her story of perseverance during the Nazi occupation of her homeland was extraordinary, and it continues to be a reminder to us of how the Lord is faithful during all chapters of our lives. Hang in there, the Lord is near. Your devotion at this time will be a defining moment in your journey.


Re:Verse passage – James 5:1-6 (day two) Behold, the pay of the laborers who mowed your fields, and which has been withheld by you, cries out against you; and the outcry of those who did the harvesting has reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. vs. 4

Everyone has a desire to be successful. There are many different models on how to get ahead in business, relationships, and personally, but as believers there should always be a caveat. How does getting ahead impact your witness? Whatever you employ as a means of success; what does it say about your faith? No matter the words we use, how we treat others will speak volumes. Perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate gain. If you can continue to be a success and a faithful witness, may your tribe increase. If, on the other hand, you struggle with how you treat others on your ascent: stop. Our treasure is in Heaven, and that is what we must be measured by. The Lord will help.


Re:Verse passage – James 4:13-17 (day two)

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. vs. 14

How much do we need this passage of scripture today? As I read and re-read this passage I couldn’t help thinking about all that is happening around us. At the end of the day how much have left for tomorrow? Is there a conversation you need to have? A relationship in need of repair? Sin that needs to be dealt with? We are not promised tomorrow, but we have hope today. With so much uncertainty all around make the most of what the Lord has given you. Make this moment a kingdom-sized moment. You are dearly loved.


Re:Verse passage – James 4:1-12 (day two) Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. vs. 10

Humility is a powerful weapon in the arsenal of faith, and likely one of the most difficult to genuinely master. Proverbs 16:18 reminds us that “pride goes before destruction…”, so it shouldn’t surprise us that the we are called to humility. It makes sense when you read and follow the teaching of Jesus, but lived out we find ways to complicate it. Humility requires complete submission. Being right, being heard, being understood, they don’t matter. Surrender does. We can’t be humble with strings attached. It’s phony and gets us nowhere. True humility understands that our success is not dependent upon an outcome, a scenario, or a vote of confidence. Humility sees only the feet of Jesus as our gaze is fixed to him alone.

Selfless Wisdom

Re:Verse passage – James 3:13-18 (day two)

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. vs. 17

Sounds a bit like the fruit of the Spirit doesn’t it? Wisdom comes from a place that few of us access often enough. Agenda-driven motives tend to cloud the heart of wisdom. It is not enough to use knowledge when we are motivated by self-interest. To be wise is to be truly humble and submitted to a greater purpose and design. Not only do most of us not operate from that place, but we are untrusting of people when they speak to us. We often are looking for the angle, what are they trying to get out of me. This crazy cycle of selfishness and mistrust is not Kingdom-minded, and is not true wisdom. To be truly wise is to be more concerned about others than yourself. May we all pray that we act in wisdom, and receive it when offered.

Call vs. Criticism

Re:Verse passage – James 3:1-12 (day two)  Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.

We live in a fishbowl age. Our lives are lived out in real time on social media and we are constantly seeking affirmation or receiving condemnation for our choices. This is a true issue in the world today. To make it worse, some people are called to professions of even greater visibility. Teachers, politicians, and pastors all have a high degree of scrutiny which they face with every word they utter. Sounds maddening, doesn’t it? Why would anyone choose to be under such constant pressure? Frankly, if I may be so bold, the call is greater than the criticism. It has to be. We can choose to cower and withdraw from the watchful eyes of the world, but then we would be betraying what God has called us to be. The call to serve others comes with much baggage that can be difficult to carry, but Jesus has promised the Holy Spirit will be our advocate in those times. Hang in there.

Be Warm and Full of Faith

Re:Verse passage – James 2:14-26 (day two) 

If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food,16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? vs. 15-16

This is perhaps one of the most prevalent of denominational differences that shows itself clearly when talking about what we believe. It’s James vs. Paul, some say. This is a topic that many have written and debated for centuries. Let’s be clear, we believe that we can do nothing to merit salvation. In his letter to the church at Galatia, Paul says it this way in regards to the idea of keeping the law: “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.” Galatians 2:21

Strong words – nothing Christ did was needless, including, and especially the cross. While it may be cut and dried to us about the placement of faith over works; it may not be as clear to others. As we go about considering our response in debate, let me ask this question: what are you doing in the mean time? It’s not enough to be right in this situation. There are hurting people living right next to you. There are needs all around. We may be on the side of faith, but we are compelled to live out that faith in a tangible way. Loving, serving, helping…doing. If we are to be salt and light shouldn’t we be bright and full of flavor?