In Control

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 4:1-11 (day one)  Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. vs. 8

There are so many things that are out of your control on a daily basis. Situations arise that you are unprepared to handle. There may be financial crises that seem to never allow you to get ahead. Many things will happen to you, but what matters is your ability to manage what you can control. You are in control of your response, particularly to other people. No matter what comes your way, allow no one to say that you lacked charity or grace. Make people marvel at the way you handle difficult people, adversity, or stress. Focus on what the Lord has blessed you with, and start there. Sometimes all you have is all you need.

Made Clean

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:18-22 (day two)

Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you—not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, vs. 21

Make sure to read the full passage when you encounter this verse. It is easy to get hung up on the first phrase and think that the act of baptism has some salvific property. Galatians 2:19-21 serves as a reminder that keeping a command or work is not the act of salvation. Continue reading Peter’s thoughts that our appeal to Christ through the power of his resurrection is the action that leads to salvation. Baptism is a wonderful reminder of the cleansing of our hearts from our own sinful pursuit and desires to a life redeemed and made worthy by Jesus.

Tell What You Know

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:8-17 (day two) …but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; vs. 15

I’m thinking a lot about Christmas these days. Let’s be honest, I think a lot about Christmas most days. Our theme this year is ‘Go and Tell’ which is a combination of the Great Commission, and the eagerness of the shepherds after their encounter with the angels and the baby Jesus. The shepherds are an incredible model for us as witnessing believers. There is no way they could understand the significance of all the events to which they were a witness. That fact, however, did not stop them from telling everyone they encountered about what they saw. Our responsibility is not to have a Master’s of Divinity in Exegetical Preaching. Ours is to simply, clearly, lovingly tell others who we know Jesus to be in our own lives, in our own words. To be clear, we should always pursue a greater understanding of God and his great work, but our qualification to share is our relationship with him. To preach Christ crucified and alive. This is truth. This is worth sharing.

In the Same Way

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:1-7 (day two) 

In the same way…vs 1a

There are few New Testament passages that cause more angst than this one, and a similar discourse found in Ephesians. There are many ways that this letter can be abused, but it is not an outdated text. What strikes me is Peter’s constant use of the phrase ‘in the same way.’ When you hear this misused, I think that part of the scripture is not dealt with sufficiently. As Pastor Chris pointed out in the Re:Vlog yesterday the continuity of the letter flows from citizenship, to slaves, to wives, to husbands, and the connecting clause is the phrase ‘in the same way.’ Believers in anyone of those classifications should take the admonishment uttered to the others as if Peter were speaking to them….because he is. Now re-read chapters 1-3 and change the audience to you. Apply the directives he gives for submission, gentleness, and integrity to your life. This was his intent.


Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 2:18-25 (day two) …and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously…vs. 23

For most of us our sense of justice has a ring of the old covenant to it. We feel that if someone wrongs us, there should be some retribution. Mentally, we feel there needs to be accountability, and often payback. That rings of ‘an eye for an eye’, doesn’t it? Let’s be clear there are offenses that require that kind of justice, but how often do those things occur? What is more likely to happen is that our pride is hurt and rather than deal with it we demand justice. Sometimes the offense is intentional, and we think the only way forward is that they get what’s coming to them. We operate like there is a cosmic scale of justice. We know Christ’s words on this subject, and they rarely call us to that kind of equality. Jesus’ words and example were that of extreme forbearance. Our prayer should be to take our eyes off the offender and focus them on Jesus.

Good Choices

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 2:11-17 (day two)

For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men. vs. 15

It’s never the wrong time to do the right thing. Have you ever heard that? Peter is giving incredible common sense advice for us to live by, and when wedded to a faith-filled life it becomes invaluable. When sin enters our life we constantly battle hiding it, running from it, and making excuses for it. It is exhausting. Living a life of holiness will perplex the world, but it will be your armor against their foolishness. When you have nothing to hide from because of your good choices and righteous living, you gain a measure of protection. It doesn’t mean that you won’t face opposition, but you will have the assurance that you have been faithful. You are free to love, serve, and help those who don’t yet understand how you got there.

Living Stones

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 2:1-10 (day two)…like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation…vs. 2.                                                                             …you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood…vs.5a

As I re-read our text today, I was struck by this image of the church as a living structure that grows as we mature in our faith. Living implies the ability to grow, and stones gives the image of permanence, structure, and stability. Imagine the church as a dynamic organism. Peter’s imagery is predicated on two important concepts. As living stones we must be built upon something. That is Jesus. As our cornerstone he has shaped the design and foundation of the church. We must also hunger for the word in a way that feeds us unlike any other nourishment will. If our dynamic faith is to grow, how much are you willing to devote to these foundational principles?

The Word

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 1:18-25 (day two)

But the word of the Lord endures forever. vs. 25

Peter walked with Jesus. His experience was unique to only a few, and we can marvel at the stories told to us through these who sat at Jesus’ feet. This is noteworthy, to be sure, but I am struck by Peter’s knowledge of scripture and the insight he shares as he combines who he knew Jesus to be with what was prophesied. Peter was grounded in the word, and he uses this as a starting place for his defense of the gospel of Jesus. Isn’t that an incredible testimony. Peter assures us that although we will not have the same experience as the apostles, we have God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. We are well equipped. Peter’s foundation in scripture only strengthens his message. The same can be said of us!

Stay Sharp

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 1:10-17 (day two) Therefore, prepare your minds for action…vs. 13a

The opening statement in verse 13 stood out to me as I re-read this passage today. It doesn’t say be prepared for action, but rather prepare you mind. There is so much that confronts us every day and we must react, avoid, challenge, or correct at any given moment. It can be staggering, really, but Peter reminds us that there is a mental component to our faith journey. We must remain agile so as to be prepared in season or out to give an accounting of our faith. This kind of spiritual exercise is accompanied by the assurance of the grace that comes from following Jesus. Stay agile, stay sharp, stay with Jesus.

Knowing the End

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 1:1-9 (day two) In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials…vs. 6

You may be one of those people who read the last chapter of the book first, or perhaps you read on IMDB the whole plot of the movie or show before you watch it. I think you are monsters, but that is not the point of this blog.  In literature and cinema you will miss the twists and turns and not be fooled by the red herrings if you know the outcome first. There is a certain amount of satisfaction in knowing the ending at the beginning. It’s just not why I love to read.

Our faith journey is different. Knowing the outcome helps us navigate the interim setbacks, the catastrophes, and all the heartache. Not only can we endure, but we can have peace and, as Peter tells us, we can have joy. So, I will concede, in this instance I am so grateful that I know that the Lord will not let a trial be in vain. Keep reading!