Tell The Things He Has Done

Re:Verse passage – Joshua 2:1-21 (day two)  For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the [d]Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt vs. 10a

Rahab must have been overwhelmed by the presence of these men in her house. She and her people had heard the stories of the work of God on behalf of the people of Israel. She recounted to them several stories of the Lord’s miraculous deliverance. Keep in mind that the parting of the Red Sea had been over 40 years earlier. The truth of the Lord cannot be hidden, and our job is to be present and to affirm the truth of who the he is in this world and in our lives. If we would take more time to share of God’s provision in our lives, we might be amazed at how those around us want to know more.


Re:Verse passage – Genesis 50:15-20 (day two)  

But Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in God’s place? vs. 19

Joseph’s brothers have a natural reaction in their predicament. Their understanding of forgiveness was not grounded in a relationship with the Lord, so it is understandable that they thought that with their father out of the way, things would turn. I’m this way, and I’m probably in good company. Conditional forgiveness, is not forgiveness. Either we are forgiven or we are not. This is the promise of Jesus. Aren’t you grateful that he doesn’t treat us this way. Always looking over your shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop. We cannot begin to move forward if we are always looking back. Joseph gave us the first real picture of this.


Re:Verse passage – Genesis 22:1-18 (day two)  He said, “Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, and do nothing to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” vs. 12

Most of you know that I spent many years in the classroom as a choir teacher. It was my training and my dream to teach. When God began to pull at my heart to leave the classroom to serve in the local church. I was not, initially, eager to obey. My path had been set before me, and my prospects were exactly what I had dreamed about. The Lord reminded me of Numbers 9:15-23. Wherever the cloud went, the Israelites were to follow. Where the cloud was, there was the Lord. It helped remind me of where I ultimately put my trust. Not in my wants and desires, but in the footprints of the savior. Abraham is remarkable in that he didn’t have scripture to fall back upon. His fear (read trust) in the Lord came from some very real encounters throughout his life that he was willing to shape his decision making upon. Are you trusting the Lord today? Even when he gives you an uncomfortable assignment, you can trust him.

God Makes a Way

Re:Verse passage – Genesis 6:5-22 (day two) The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. Vs. 6

There are few verses of scripture that make me stop and think like this one. It isn’t the only time we hear of God’s disappointment in us, but this statement tells us so much about our creator. We affirm that God knows all things, and that he holds past, present, and future in his hands. Why, then, should he be disappointed. Didn’t he know this was going to happen. Sure, but that doesn’t stop a parent from grieving when they see their children go astray. You may well know how things will turn out, but that doesn’t stop your heart from breaking when they make poor choices. The ultimate take away from this story is one of compassion. God made a way. God always make a way. Ultimately, he will send Jesus as the definitive Way to bridge the gap between a sinful people, and their creator. Aren’t you grateful that God doesn’t give up on his people. Aren’t you glad he has made a way?

The Love of God

Re:Verse passage – John 21:15-25 (day two) 

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written. vs. 25

This is one of my favorite verses from my favorite Gospel. It is whimsical, and yet profound. Since we are so far removed from the life of Jesus, the apostles and all the other saints and prophets, we sometimes read scripture as a moment by moment account of their lives. If it isn’t written, it didn’t happen. John reminds us how inaccurate that line of think is. This side of glory we will not know the scope of his work while he walked the earth. The apostles have given us this beautiful framework that testifies to his divinity, his perfection, and his purpose, but it is by no means meant to be an exhaustive account of his life. Think for a moment about those conversations not recorded in the pages of scripture. Think of the lives that were forever changed by a touch, a miracle, a new understanding of God’s love. This by no means lessens those moments because the were not recorded. It is likely that none of the conversations you have with someone about Jesus will be written for posterity. That won’t matter to the one who finds Jesus in your words.

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made;
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to skyO love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure—
The saints’ and angels’ song.


Re:Verse passage – John 21:1-14 (day two) This is now the third time that Jesus was manifested to the disciples, after He was raised from the dead. Vs. 14

I love this story. It is so earthy and full of imagery. The disciples fishing, up all night. Jesus at the shore with a fire ready for breakfast fish…which is still weird to me. What struck me as I re-read the passage this morning was that we don’t ever hear how these encounters end. This is the third time that Jesus appeared to the disciples, and you might think that once he appeared that would cling to him and not let him out of their sight. Clearly, that is not what happened. We have studied three distinct appearances of the savior, and at some point he goes away, and for several days at a time. It isn’t too much to read into this narrative that Jesus was preparing them, yet again, for a time when he would not be physically with them. He is sort of weaning them from their dependency on his human form. As he would ultimately ascend with the promise of the arrival of the Holy Spirit, he was preparing them for their next assignment. In our own walk there may be good things to which we cling too tightly. If our call is to go and tell, are we letting other church routines get in the way. Jesus knew his disciples needed to be coaxed forward. He knows you too.


My Lord

Re:Verse passage – John 20:24-29 (day two)  Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!” Vs. 28

We know what Thomas said when the other disciples told of their experience with the risen Jesus. He talked a big game. “Not until I actually put my finger in his side will I believe.” Then came his opportunity, and Jesus gives him permission to touch the wounds. It is interesting to me, that scripture does not record Thomas actually following through. Jesus’ nearness, his presence, his voice, and the sight of his resurrected body were more than sufficient. Thomas’ response was perfect. He acknowledged Jesus as his Lord. Jesus goes on to speak of us who would not have that opportunity that Thomas had. People today will speak of needing to witness a miracle before they believe. Are they that different than Thomas? What is needed is to experience the nearness of the Holy Spirit and to know his presence, which is a miracle in itself. It would be wise for us to not put conditions upon our meeting or following Jesus. We should seek to be near him, and acknowledge our savior.

Rejoice Over the Wounds

Re:Verse passage – John 20:19-23 (day two) And when He had said this, He showed them both His hands and His side. The disciples then rejoiced when they saw the Lord. vs. 20

Jesus’ first words to the disciples were ones of peace, and then he immediately showed them his wounds. It was after he had done this that they rejoiced. He was aware of the visceral need to see, touch, experience the resurrection. It is one of the things I love best about the savior, he understands the human condition fully. He ate, was tired and took naps, he laughed, and he suffered. All of these are what being fully human represent. When scripture speaks of ‘hungering and thirsting for righteousness’ it taps into a very real understanding by those who walk this mortal journey. It seems an odd statement that they would rejoice over the wounds, but it made the power of resurrection real, and Jesus understood that need to see and feel. Our trust is in the power of scripture and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to know the truth of Jesus’ resurrection power. Thanks be to God.

Where Jesus Is

Re:Verse passage – John 20:1-18 (day tw0)  So the disciples went away again to their own homes. But Mary was standing outside the tomb weeping vs. 10-11a

It’s impossible to know what kind of inner turmoil and confusion these three must have been experiencing, but their reactions produced vastly different results. The disciples went home. They gathered together and waited for some direction as to how to move next.

Mary, however, stayed where she knew Jesus had been. She came to care for Jesus, and she wanted to carry out that last act of kindness. She wanted answers. She was rewarded, first by seeing the angels, and then by seeing and speaking to Jesus himself. It was her determination to find Jesus that allowed her to be the one to declare to the disciples:

Mary Magdalene came, announcing to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” vs. 18a

We don’t know the motivation of John and Peter in their return home, but we can see how Mary was blessed by her perseverance. Go to where you know Jesus to be. Wait for him, call on him. He will be found.



Re:Verse passage – John 19:38-42 (day two)

After these things Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but a secret one for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate granted permission. So he came and took away His body. vs. 38

It has become a common occurrence today to refer to your faith as ‘a private matter.’ This is often the case when you hear public officials talk about their own personal beliefs. We see people willing to take a stand on any number of issues, but when it comes to a personal conviction about their relationship to Jesus Christ, they obfuscate. This is not what John meant when he referred to Joseph and Nicodemus as ‘secret disciples.’ Their reality dealt with not just popular opinion, but life itself. There are places where the mention of your trust in Jesus will still bring retribution. That is distinctly different from making people feel uncomfortable. There are times when it is prudent to hold your tongue, but we should be careful not to hide behind some social nicety when it comes to sharing our faith.