Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 6:17-20 (day two)
With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit vs. 18a
This is a very short re:verse passage. Each day this week, take some time to reach each phrase and verse slowly. Re-read and let these words work in your heart. As I did this today the phrase from verse 18 struck me: pray at all times in the Spirit. What do you think that phrase means? It seems to place a conditional awareness to the one praying. The pray-er must be in a state that is sensitive to the Spirit. Does this indicate a state of preparation? Do we need a time to prepare to pray? Forgive me if I pose more questions than answers, but I do believe it informs us that we are not to be flippant to our time of prayer. It does require of us a quieting, a slowing, a stopping the noise of our minds and the world. How can we pray in the Spirit if we don’t allow the racing in our hearts and minds to stop and surrender? Slow down. Wait for the Spirit. Pray