RE Verse reading–1 Corinthians 16:1-4, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:6-15 (day six) “This is to your advantage who were the first to begin a year ago. . . to desire to do it. But now finish doing it” (8:10-11) It has become a theme for me. After 38 years in ministry, my concentration these days is on finishing. It is easy (common) to start on a noble journey but become distracted, discouraged, fatigued or bored along the way. The early excitement fades. Paul knew that certain forces work to keep us all from “finishing the race”(2 Timothy 4:7) We get weary. We get satisfied with some obedience but not all. It is to our own advantage to defeat these promise-weakening pressures. (vs 10) Part of the joy of the Christ comes from the satisfaction of having finished the task assigned to us by the Father. Every Saturday of outreach, every morning in prayer, every sacrificial dollar. . . All that He wills! All of our days. Don’t drop out now. Finish!