Manifold Witness

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 3:1-13 (day four)

“…so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.”

I love the way Paul describes God’s wisdom in Ephesians 3:10- uses the word manifold. The only place this Greek word is used. It’s a compound word. The root word is Poikilos- various or varied of all kinds of colors. Paul adds the prefix Polu- very, considerably, much.  So Paul is communicating the wisdom of God is “very various”. It is universally sized. It has  unlimited variations, and subtleties. It is unsearchably intricate.

So the questions come: Does the way we give our trust, dependence, and obedience to God reflect our belief and confidence in His manifold wisdom?  Do I believe that God in His manifold wisdom knows how to live a human life (better than I do)?  Do I ask for (prayer) and act on His manifold wisdom that is available through the mystery of the gospel (a relationship with Gods through Christ Jesus)?

Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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