Re:Verse passage – Proverbs 2:1-15 (day five)
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;” v. 6
I love the Kids’ Time during our Sunday morning services. It is a moment for us to let kids know that our services are for them, also, and that they can expect that God will speak to them during our time together. They are fun and lighthearted mostly, but there is deep meaning and importance to that four or five minute time with them.
I am extremely excited that while we study the book of Proverbs together, our Kids’ Time moments that occur during the Traditional and Logos services will mirror each other. These times will feature many sayings and writings from various people throughout history that deal with wisdom and knowledge, all presented alongside a portion of scripture from our weekly Re:Verse readings.
During our Kids’ Time together each Sunday, we want to highlight for kids that the world has its own version of truth and wisdom that is contrary to what God says in His Word. There are a lot of times that worldly truth and wisdom looks extremely similar to what God says, but is, in fact, not what God says. Proverbs 2:6 carries this tone for us: all wisdom, knowledge, and understanding comes from God. Only by the Lord’s guidance will we know what is right, just, fair, joyful, honest, good, and so on. The world longs to know these things but looks in the wrong places. Our kids need to know where to look and whom to follow.
So, join us each Sunday as we encourage kids to know God’s Word and guide them to seek the Lord, and not the world, for truth and wisdom. See you Sunday!