Re:Verse passage – Job 1:1-12 (day four)
Has anyone ever asked you which biblical character, other than Jesus, you would like to meet? We might say Moses…or Joshua…or King David…or Elijah…or one of the disciples…or maybe Paul. Very few would say, “I’d like to meet Job.” Yet Job was blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil. He was the greatest of all the men of the east.
We are intimidated by the suffering and pain that Job endured as a result of his righteousness. Righteousness is supposed to bring blessing and reward. The prospect of hardship does not appeal to us. Maybe we can be just righteous enough to please God, but not so pure that we stand out in a heavenly conference. We want to find a happy medium to just get by. A reminder…we are sinners. Only by the grace and righteousness of Jesus Christ can we stand before God forgiven. Focus on Christ rather than ourselves! His righteousness certainly stands out in any conference…say on Judgment Day!