Re:Verse passage –Colossians 4:7-18 (day three)
“These are the only fellow workers for the kingdom of God who are from the circumcision, and they have proved to be an encouragement to me.”
Paul means Jews. He’s glad for the company of fellow Jews. Paul regards with deep warmth everyone he names in this passage, but it is with just a few that he seems to sustain his deepest intimacies. Friendship is by nature an exclusive undertaking. It is a selective and restrictive kind of life that will require one to dispense with the noble-sounding aspiration to be equally a friend to all. This is so because the learning of another soul is a tender and vulnerable pursuit requiring the revelation of weaknesses and the calling forth of character in small, quiet moments of risk and trust. Love for the whole world is nurtured in the diminutive room of friendship.
What a great blog today. And your last sentence is simply beautiful. Thankyou for these words from your heart.
“…the learning of another soul is a tender and vulnerable pursuit requiring the revelation of weaknesses and the calling forth of character in small, quiet moments of risk and trust.” Wonderfully stated!!! Thank you.