Re: Verse reading–Genesis 1:1-13 (day five)
In the beginning God created… v. 1
The Bible is viewed by many, as a collection of history, poetry, and moral teaching. In reality, the Bible in its entirety is a story, a true story. It’s a grand narrative that explains our existence, gives meaning to our daily lives, and encompasses every other story on earth. The first sentence of the bible introduces God as the main character (The Bible is about God). He is creating and designing the world as He wants it to be. No sin- no imperfection, everything reflecting His glory, power, and majesty.
It is tempting to read Genesis as just history (many do). Yet because of the dynamic nature of the story being told throughout scripture, this part of the story is a part of our story. However, we must know and understand who the main character is!! From there we begin to understand who we are. But we must start where the story starts. What can we learn and understand about God in Genesis chapter 1?