Re:Verse reading–Judges 6:1-2, 11-28, 36-40 (day five)
Gideon is struggling with genuine doubt and insecurity. We read this in verses 13-18. Yet, they are not enough to keep him from being obedient to God’s instruction. We all have to manage fear, insecurity, uncertainty, and doubt in different degrees as we follow Christ and obey the Lord. God’s promise was the deciding factor. The Lord’s promise to Gideon is the same promise He makes to us. “I will be with you!!” For Gideon, it was enough to overcome doubt and insecurity and begin to take steps of trust and obedience. (Judges 6:27) And for us, the same promise can be a tremendous encouragement as we see and sense opportunities to trust and obey God. Will God’s promise empower us to take a first step or the next step? Will our faith become greater than our fears?