What Does a Shepherd Do?

Re:Verse passage – Mark 6:30-44 (day seven)

The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23:1

He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Mark 6:34

When a Shepherd sees wayward sheep, what does He do? The Shepherd begins to herd. 

He makes me lie down in green pastures. Psalm 23:2

And He commanded them all to sit down by groups on the green grass. Mark 6:39

The Shepherd provides for His wayward sheep.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Psalm 23:5

He kept giving them to the disciples to set before them. Mark 6:41

The Shepherd satisfies His wayward sheep.

He restores my soul. Psalm 23:3

They all ate and were satisfied. Mark 6:24

The Shepherd’s provision is beyond what is needed.

My cup overflows. Psalm 23:5

and they picked up twelve full baskets. Mark 6:43

The Shepherd will guide you, provide for you, and satisfy your needs more than you can ever imagine. Stop trying to walk through the valley alone and let the Shepherd lead you where you need to be.

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

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