The Best Life

Re:Verse passage – John 10:10 (day seven) 

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. 

“Living your best life” is a phrase our household has adopted to describe someone who is living carefree and thoroughly enjoying themself. For instance in the picture below, we would say “Brock is living his best life!”

Brock Living His Best Life

Jesus came so that we can live our best life.  Through Christ we are provided an opportunity to have a life that we never could on our own: a life of encouragement, not shame. A life of comfort, not worry. A life of peace, not fear. He can provide all those things and so much more.

This week I will be living my best life. I will have 120 teenagers from our church at Impact Youth Camp. Will you pray with me for them? Will you pray that God will bring them encouragement, comfort, and peace? Will you pray that students will walk away from the things that are stealing their life and walk with Jesus? Will you pray that our students will see that living their best life is to realize that we are made in the Image of God?

Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

2 thoughts on “The Best Life”

  1. Yes, Rick, I’m praying & will continue to pray for our youth & leaders, especially this week. I thank God for your heart & love for God & these students. 🙏🏻

  2. Praying for a spirit filled camp time that brings those young lives to know Christ personally. God bless you for all you do for them.

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