Love Your Neighbor

Re:Verse passage – Genesis 1:26–27 (day five)  I read a question this week that was deeply convicting and challenging to me. It changed my perspective on this passage from merely the awareness and understanding of the truth of being created in God’s image to being accountable to this truth and all the implications it presents to us/me. So here it is … “Do you feel that you are like God in the way that you should be?”

One of the truths I discovered this week, is that when we love God most, we love others best. We are created like God in that way. He loves Himself most and He loves others best. We are created and designed in His image, to love and act this same way. Jesus echos this truth in our theme this year of “Love Your Neighbor”. What precedes this second greatest commandment, is the command to love God first/most. Our capacity to love others best, comes from our ability and willingness to love God most. Loving Your Neighbor then becomes a glorifying image and reflection of the nature and character of God!!

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

One thought on “Love Your Neighbor”

  1. Thanks as always for your insight and challenge. I would like to add that a very essential element in being able to loving our neighbor is loving ourselves, loving who God made us to be. Once that is resolved and we have our love for God in first place, the love for our neighbors doesn’t become such a struggle.

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