
Re:Verse passage – John 21:1-14 (day three)

“None of the disciples ventured to question him, ‘Who are You?’ knowing that it was the Lord.”

Several passages in the gospels’ post-resurrection accounts deal with the question of recognition: Who is this person? Luke says the travelers on the road “were kept from recognizing him.” (Some say recognition was divinely prevented, but their experience was that dead people stayed dead.) Mary thought he was the gardener. And here, it took the disciples some time before it began to dawn on them that this was their Lord. In each of these passages, Jesus encounters them with measured demeanor, never breathlessly declaring his identity and pressing them to recognize him. This is the way friendship proceeds. When Lord and disciple love each other, the disciple will know, even if it takes some time. Jesus was patient with them, as he is with you.

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

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