Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:1-7 (day two)
In the same way…vs 1a
There are few New Testament passages that cause more angst than this one, and a similar discourse found in Ephesians. There are many ways that this letter can be abused, but it is not an outdated text. What strikes me is Peter’s constant use of the phrase ‘in the same way.’ When you hear this misused, I think that part of the scripture is not dealt with sufficiently. As Pastor Chris pointed out in the Re:Vlog yesterday the continuity of the letter flows from citizenship, to slaves, to wives, to husbands, and the connecting clause is the phrase ‘in the same way.’ Believers in anyone of those classifications should take the admonishment uttered to the others as if Peter were speaking to them….because he is. Now re-read chapters 1-3 and change the audience to you. Apply the directives he gives for submission, gentleness, and integrity to your life. This was his intent.
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