A God-shaped Life

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 2:11-17 (day five)  “Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king.” Here you have it. The Christian life summed up. Wrapped up in one single verse – relationships, politics, faith, etc.  However, when I omit the previous verses as the context for this verse, I lose valuable perspective and instruction. This passage (and the scripture for that matter) is not an attempt at inserting God into our lives- an add in or add on.  No, rather the scriptures were inspired and written so that we might have a real and vibrant relationship with God through Jesus Christ. And, in and through our relationship with God we would use even the most secular parts of our lives to live in right relation to Him and for Him-with Him in view- with His influence and guidance. A God-shaped life.
“The aim of life—including our social and political life—is to live to God. To live with God in view. To live under his authority. To live on him like we live on air and food and water. To live for his good reputation.”- John Piper

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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