Re:Verse Blog – 8/15/22

Re:Verse passage – Matthew 18:15-35 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty, and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Matthew 18:15-35 in our Summer Re:Verse Series: “Better Together.”

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2 thoughts on “Re:Verse Blog – 8/15/22”

  1. What would it look like to approach such a person in their sin, as one who comes to wash his or her feet.
    It could mean that you are going to be made vulnerable before this individual. Do we ever consider that our own reputation may be put on line? It may require then, to remove that outer garment and in kneeling down, you will be abased as you bow in humility. in that position, you can only look up into the face of this one, for you are as a servant. You are not in a positions to look down with criticism, pride or arrogance. This then gives place for the Spirit of God to reside and manifest the Lord through you. This person is hurting in their sin. Let the Spirit direct with the warmth of His redeeming words that He offers of forgiveness and peace. Jesus came to bind up the wounds of the broken hearted and to set the captive free! In this setting there can be that great blessing to be a friend that loves at all times! This is a heart wrenching ministry, but will show that God’s work in one’s life is not done “by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit.”

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