Re:Verse passage – Matthew 18:5-14 (day two) “Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes! vs 7
Have you ever watched a hurdle or steeple chase race? It’s one thing to train to run as fast as you can to get from point a to point b, but to actually put obstacles in the way is next level. Steeple chasers in particular seem to be gluttons for punishment because of the height of the obstacles and the water hazard that awaits them on the other side. It stands to reason, then, that sprinters who run 100 meters without hurdles run it faster than those with them.
Obstacles are inevitable. Whether they be self-imposed, as they often are, or appear by circumstance they are a fact of life. It is our hope, as believers, that we are able to navigate around them without a setback to our faith journey. Often they can even help teach us lessons as we move forward to help avoid them the next time. Jesus’ words however speak specifically to those who would cause others to stumble, especially children or young believers. He doesn’t mince words; we are not to do this. It makes every interaction with them so important. We must guard our words and actions to make every effort to encourage their faith, not hinder it. Likely, this will only help our own journey as well. I don’t want to run a steeple chase race of faith, let’s not make our children run one either.
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Good thoughts! Needed this today!