Re:Verse passage – Acts 2:42-47 (day five)
“And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
Make no mistake, in this early church, it was the Lord who was at work. It was the Lord who was adding “saved” people to the church. Yes, the people were engaged and actively worshipping, giving, praying, and sharing their faith. Yet, Luke rightly gives the credit and glory to the Lord.
Also, take note, it was happening every day and everywhere. In the temple and in homes. Not just Sundays. Not just weekdays. The gathered church has the same mission and ministry potential as the scattered church. Discipleship. Worship. Evangelism. Fellowship. Ministry. There is significant opportunity when we gather. There is just as much potential as we “scatter” across the city. Every day. Everywhere. It will be the Lord who is at work!
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