Growth vs. Maturity

Re:Verse passage – Acts 2:42-47 (day four)

Multitudes were added to the church!  Before that growth took place though, the Holy Spirit did a mighty work in the hearts of the believers.  Much preparation was made before growth took place.  First, the believers were listening to the teachings of the apostles.  They were seeking personal, spiritual growth (aka maturity) on a daily basis.  They also spent time in fellowship and eating together as a church.  Time spent together creates an opportunity to practice the character of Christ as well as to be held accountable for living a Christ-like life.  The final church community activity they joined in was prayer.  Listening and communicating with God to know His mind and will.

Without the preparation in the Spirit that the early church participated in, the addition of new members (aka church growth) would never have taken place.  Have you desired growth to take place in your church?  Have you been willing to put in the time for your personal maturity to prepare for this revival?  Or maybe you have asked God to grow the church, but have neglected your own Spiritual growth.  Ask God to mature your faith and He will take care of the rest!

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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