
Re:Verse passage – Romans 8:15-17, Ephesians 5:22-32 (day five)  

One of the great possibilities that God designed for families is the chance to learn and model the gospel (to and from each other and to others outside our homes). It is an amazing concept to wrap our minds around. The gospel can be proclaimed and portrayed in every household that is made up of believers who understand and follow the scriptures. Wanna teach your children and grandchildren the gospel?  Then one of the ways is to practice the principles found in a Godly Marriage. Wanna show the neighborhood what a loving savior looks like and how people should respond in trust and obedience to that amazing love?  Clearly and consistently live out God’s design for marriage.  The world gets to see a compelling picture of the Savior and a picture of the Church. That is remarkable!

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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