The Long Haul

Re:Verse passage – Job 7:1-21 (day two) So am I allotted months of vanity, and nights of trouble are appointed me. vs. 3

It is often not the initial shock of grief or pain that can be the most trying, it is when it lingers weeks, months, years that it becomes almost unendurable. Perhaps you know that persistent feeling of loss. When a diagnosis comes, or after a loss there is often an initial outpouring of love, support, and care. What happens a month later? Six months? There is rarely a predictable timetable for grief. Standing beside those who are in loss is a long game endeavor. It doesn’t need to be meals, or hours of sitting in their living rooms, but it may require a phone call on a consistent basis with no expectations.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

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