Re:Verse passage – Job 2:11-13, 22:5-6, 9-11 (day seven)
When they lifted up their eyes at a distance and did not recognize him. vs 12
What caused Job to become unrecognizable? We immediately go to verse 7 and blame it on the boils (he was covered from head to toe), but it is probably more than even that. Have you ever walked with someone through an extended season of extreme stress or trauma? This type of emotion takes a toll on the body. Just look at inauguration pictures of presidents compared to their exit. Look at a youth minister before and after an all night lock-in. The weight of stress takes a toll just as much physically as it does emotionally. It is a burden that is being carried even if it is not immediately visible.
How do we help our friends who are carrying immense burdens? How do we find relief for the burdens we are carrying? The apostle Paul says it well in Galatians 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. ” We need friends to come along side us. We need to come along side our friends. No one was made to walk through trials alone. We are Better Together!
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