Re:Verse passage – Job 2:1-10, 3:11, 20-26 (day seven)
Why did I not die at birth,
Come forth from the womb and expire?
When did it become taboo to talk about depression? When did it become “weak” to share your feelings? When did anxiety become something you tough out and get over like a cold? A read through the Bible (especially Job) will provide you ample evidence that mental health is not a new phenomenon.
In recent years it feels like there has been a rise in the amount of people with depression and anxiety. Even before 2020, the number of people with mental health issues was growing… or was it? Maybe the same amount of people have always been struggling, but we finally encouraged them to talk about it. Maybe they were no longer afraid to be labeled as weak. Maybe instead of being told “get over it” they were told “get help.”
Job showed the importance in admitting depression in his journey to restoration. Job showed strength in admitting weakness. Job showed us we are not alone in feeling alone.
If you are struggling with depression and/or anxiety, tell someone today. Tell a pastor, close friend, or someone you can trust. You are not alone.
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