Coming Home

Re:Verse passage – Luke 15:11-24 (day four)

In pride, the son asked for his inheritance.  It was his, he deserved it…or so he thought.  He was no longer willing to live under his Father’s decisions…he could make his own choices!

When we reject Christ, we are just like the prodigal.  We want to control our own life.  For him, it resulted in his fall to the bottom of life.  Fortunately for him, he recognized his total depravity.  There was nothing he could do to resolve his situation.  His Father was his only hope.  Christ is our only hope.  Left to our sin, we have no way of salvation.  The prodigal had nothing to offer his Father.  He threw himself on the grace of his Father in hopes of receiving at least enough to sustain life.  What the son discovered was the boundless love of his Father.  When we come to Christ…with nothing to offer that is deserving of grace and love…we receive forgiveness and heirship through His sacrifice.  What we could not possibly do on our own, Christ bestows to us freely.  Are you ready to come home?

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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