Relentless Love

Re:Verse passage – Luke 15:1-10 (day seven)

When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. vs 5

God loves you. He loves you so much that He is willing to leave the ninety-nine to chase you when you have gone astray. Some have called this love “reckless.” Though it may seem irrational for the Shepherd to chase after one lost sheep while He has ninety-nine other perfectly safe sheep, it shows that God’s love is definitely not reckless. It is, in fact, relentless.

He loves you so much that He is coming down the mountain (thanks Scott) and picking you up, putting you on His shoulders. God knows that if he puts a leash around your neck or tries to herd you back, you will fight and take your time, lingering in the danger for a little while longer. When you realize you have been lost for far too long, and you surrender to the Shepherd, He puts you on His shoulders! He picks up the pieces of your broken puzzle and fits them back together. He pulls you out of the mess you have gotten yourself trapped in and makes 100% sure that you are safe. He carries you home! Thats relentless love!


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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

4 thoughts on “Relentless Love”

  1. Ric,
    Every week I look forward to reading your words of insight. Today’s words of Relentless Love wrapped my heart with a new understanding of “of the Lord’s great love” for his children.

    Have a Blessed Day!
    Janet Bruce

  2. Every week I look so forward to reading your devotional you’re devotional not just as your mom but because they really touch my heart!
    This one especially does, because sometimes I have problems realizing how much God loves me though I can tell everyone else how much God loves them ! thank you I am so proud of you!
    Love mom

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