Re:Verse passage – Luke 15:1-10 (day four)
It is likely that the name, Erdmann Neumeister, does not ring a bell with you. God had given Erdmann a special gift…when he read Scripture, he was able to verbalize the truth of that Scripture into the form of a hymn. It was the early 1700’s when Neumeister penned the words to “Christ Receiveth Sinful Men.” This hymn, based on this parable in Luke 15, repeats a reoccurring message of Jesus…go after the lost! (The hymns of our faith are great teachers of the theology of God’s Word.)
“Sinners Jesus will receive; Sound this word of grace to all Who the heavenly pathway leave, All who linger, all who fall.” Christ is reaching out to the sinners and calling us to dine at His table. Neumeister understood that we, as believers, have a responsibility to search for the one who does not know Jesus. Then, we celebrate when they are found. Sounds like a great invitation to missions!
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