
Re:Verse passage – Luke 8:1-15 (day five)

“The sower went out to sow his seed;”

It seems like a “no-brainer” to say or think that a sower is gonna sow. But there comes a moment or occasion for action and engagement.  The interesting thing to me, is that the sower knows exactly who he/she is and understands that their identity is tied to their activity.  A decision or determination was made to “sow”, because that’s who they are.

I wonder how well believers understand their/our identity as believers- who we are and how that correlates in to our attitudes and actions.  Let’s mention a few:  We are worshippers. We are witnesses. We are followers. We are disciples (learners). We are servants. We are members (family/body).  So, if identity correlates to activity, what should we be doing because of who we are?  Learning? Witnessing? Worshipping? Etc.

If there is a disconnect, is it in the understanding of identity, or the absence of activity?  Lord, show us/remind us, who we are and help us live that out faithfully!!

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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