Re:Verse passage – James 2:1-13 (day four)
James is known as a practical application of righteous living. In verse 8, James refers to the royal law.
The admonition to not show partiality goes back to Levitical law (Leviticus 19:18) as well as Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 19:19. Scripture is consistent from Genesis to Revelation…it does not contradict itself. The amazing quality of the biblical message is that, even though the Bible was written over hundreds of years by multiple writers, the message validates itself. The truth of the message speaks of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in its authorship.
Do you believe the Word of God? Do you believe in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit? James says if you believe in the truth of Scripture, you will obey it. Your everyday life will reflect the Truth to a lost world…things like not showing partiality. Love you neighbor as yourself. Show your faith by your obedience!
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