Re:Verse passage – James 1:1-12 (day four)
The book of James is known as a practical application guide rather than a theological treatise. James has multiple references to the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). The author, the brother of Jesus, must have been greatly impacted by the Lord’s sermon. We get a glimpse of the character of James in the opening verse… James describes himself as a bond-servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Humility characterized James’ life as he led the church at Jerusalem until his martyrdom in 62AD.
Being a practical treatise, James begins by addressing the trials that face each of us in life. James says ‘when’, not ‘if’ trials come. We can all expect to face trials, temptations, troubles, and tests. According to our faith, we will respond to these trials. If our faith is real, it will be revealed through the trials. Others will recognize our true faith. If it is false, your faith will burn up when tested.
How do you respond when trials come? Do you see the hand of God at work in your life? Do you know the peace of God when you are tested? James says, “the proof is in the pudding.”
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