
Re:Verse passage – Judges 8:18-34 (day six)

I don’t know Gideon’s intentions in commissioning the making of the ephod, or how it was used, but its affect was clear. Rather than seek God, the people coveted this religious garment. It was a step down the road towards full blown idolatry.

Sometimes a thing or practice can have the appearance of godliness, but really only serves to boost our own own ego and self-reliance. This usually happens when we fail to obey God’s Word, and take matters in our own hands (like Gideon).

Even the best intentions, if not led by godly wisdom and discernment, can result in destructive outcomes. Real godliness doesn’t come from looking the part, but by looking to him.

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

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