
Re:Verse passage – 1 Chronicles 29:1-11 (day five)  

“Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the LORD with a whole heart, and King David also rejoiced greatly.”  Previously, Davis has used this assembly meeting to challenge and commission Solomon to the work of building the temple. Now he addresses the leaders and other peoples of the assembly. I wonder if they were intimidated by “how much” David was contributing to the project.  Probably no one had that kind of wealth. I wonder if they had any reservations about their new leader who David describes as young and inexperienced.  I wouldn’t put that on a resume.

David then leads them to the secret of giving-  giving from the heart. When giving is made from the heart, instead perceiving obstacles and hardships, eyes are opened to the reality and opportunities of the Lord’s character and His work. The scripture says the people rejoiced  I wonder if that joy replaced any fear or uncertainty.

May we give and serve our Glorious God with our whole hearts!  May God bring us that kind of joy as we give and serve Him!

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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