Re:Verse passage – 1 Chronicles 29:1-11 (day two) …for the temple is not for man, but for the Lord God. vs. 1b Who then is willing to consecrate himself this day to the Lord?” vs. 5b
David has had a desire to build this temple for years. He has amassed large amounts of money and materials to accomplish his vision. Now as he hands the plans over to his son to complete the task his charge to the people shows the true condition of his heart. A building project like this could easily become a monument to a man, to the person who conceived or oversaw the construction. David is clear that this grand vision was for the glory of the Lord alone. He also rightly discerned that something on this scale requires many skilled hands dedicated to the task who also believe in the dream. How often to we sit on the sidelines when something great is taking shape? Do we sit and watch as others cast a vision for what the future could look like? Perhaps, we think, we will wait and see where this goes before we cast in our lot. How about consecrating ourselves to the work of the Lord and getting about the business of building the body of Christ? Sounds like something we can all get behind.
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